Vineyard Wind Readies Island Headquarters

Vineyard Wind is putting the final touches on its two-story, 14,000-square foot operations and maintenance headquarters on Beach Road in Vineyard Haven.

Nature and Nurture Key to Restoring South Shore Beaches

The paths have moved, the dunes are flatter and there isn’t as much sand as there once was. But the south shore has come a long way since three destructive storms hit the Island this winter, and managers say they are ready for summer crowds.

Anthony Arrives

Camile Michele Gomes Dos Santos and Alex Teixeira Da Silva Florenco, of Bourne, announce the birth of a son, Anthony Gomes Florenco.

An Island of Ospreys

From one osprey fan to another, here’s a tip: This is the year to look up in the sky — there are more than 100 pairs of these magnificent birds of prey nesting (and hunting) on the Island this summer.

West Tisbury Green Lights New EV Chargers

The West Tisbury select board this week voted to move forward with a plan to add two new electric vehicle chargers at the West Tisbury School. 

Editorial: Island Life

On the masthead of the Vineyard Gazette, typically on page six, to the right of the logo of a plump bunch of grapes is this: Established in 1846 A Journal of Island Life.

When the Island Was a Hippie Haven

Dear Mom and Dad, things are going great and we have made some strides here on the Island. Here at my place we have completed a number of projects that would be the envy of my neighbors, if there were any.

Remembering a Trailblazer in Art and Life

I never met Rez Williams, the revered Vineyard artist who died in February. Nevertheless, he was a kind of hero for me, an artist rooted in a place and community.

A Toothsome Shellfish

If you were to choose any one Island occupation that was peculiar to the Vineyard and the coastal area surrounding it, scalloping would undoubtedly run a strong race for first place.

EMS Week

This week is National EMS Week and we would be remiss if we did not recognize and applaud the excellent partnership Martha’s Vineyard Hospital has with all of our first responders here on the Island.
