Former Poet Laureate of the United States Billy Collins had planned to visit Featherstone Arts next week but had to cancel his appearance.

Mr. Collins was to read from his forthcoming collection Water, Water which will be released this November. 

Mr. Collins has published 12 collections of poetry and is known for his casual voice and wit. As the country’s poet laureate from 2001 to 2003, he worked on Poetry 180, a project aimed at encouraging high school students to engage with poetry. He has also served as the New York State Poet from 2002 to 2004.

“We love him and he loves the Vineyard,” said Ann Smith, the executive director of Featherstone. “We’re always thrilled and grateful that he continues to come and that he really loves and appreciates the community of literary artists here.”

Mr. Collins is slated to return to the Vineyard in 2025, at a date to be determined.