Hello, Freda

Hello, Freda

Judy and Jon Legg, formerly of Oak Bluffs, are delighted to announce the birth of their third grandchild, Freda Ezzitt Kool, on Sept. 29 in London, England. Freda’s parents are Claudia Possamai and Gerard Kool. Her sister and brother are Martha and Rudy. Freda’s other grandparents are Ray and Judy Possamai and Mary and Frank Kool.

Extreme Tides

The full moon is tomorrow night and called the Beaver Moon. It is also one of the biggest full moons of the year and the closest. The moon is in perigee. Expect extreme high and low tides in the days ahead. When the moon is both full and close to the Earth, its gravitational pull on the world’s oceans with the sun is most extreme.

Lama Choepel Makes First Appearance at Bodhi Path

Dharma teacher Choepel will make his first visit to The Bodhi Path Buddhist Center in West Tisbury for two teachings on Sunday, Nov. 25 at 10 a.m. and Tuesday, Nov. 27 at 7 p. m. The topic is What Does Spirituality Have To Do With Me?

Lama Choepel will discuss the benefits of preparing solid foundations for the Buddhist path.


Turkey Farms Have Long Island History Before Development Gobbled Up Land

There was a time, in the not so distant past, when turkeys crowded more than just the roads of Martha’s Vineyard.

Popovers Upon Rising

Popovers Upon Rising


The Friday night after Thanksgiving is the busiest night of the year for restaurants. Even though there is a fridge full of leftovers, many opt out of the kitchen in favor of reservations. When guests tend to stick around until Sunday, there is plenty of time for leftovers anyway. Except at breakfast. A turkey wing with the morning coffee just won’t fly.


Researchers Find Blue Mussels Flourish in Island Experiment

On this November morning, the Menemsha lobster boat Shearwater has made its way three and a half miles south of Noman’s Land.

Noman’s tall cliffs rise above the treacherous rocky waters. Sea birds are adrift in the moving current farther north.

Waves roll from the open ocean and raise and lower the boat in a gentle fashion, like a mother rocking a sleeping child. The sky is blue and metallic; the color of the sea beneath is a darker version of the sky. A gentle cold breeze freshens. The bow points towards Spain.


Temperature: Precip.

Day Max. Min. Inches.

Fº Fº

Nov. 16 65 39 .75

Nov. 17 50 33 .00

Nov. 18 46 36 .00

Nov. 19 47 39 .00

Nov. 20 46 29 .00

Nov. 21 48 34 .14

Water temperature in Edgartown harbor: 50º F.

Azor Arrives

Azor Arrives

Jessica and Russell Hartenstine of West Tisbury announce the birth of a son, Azor Forrest Hartenstine, on Nov. 15 at Martha’s Vineyard Community Hospital. Azor weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces. Big sister Sarah Ruth welcomes her new baby brother.

Club Hosts Shoot

Club Hosts Shoot

The Martha’s Vineyard Rod & Gun Club will hold its annual fall shotgun shoot from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 25 at the club, which is off Third street in Edgartown.

Open to members and the public, everyone is eligible for prizes. This annual shotgun marksmanship competition takes place the day before the shotgun deer season opens.

Oak Bluffs Waterfront Renewal Begins With Town Meeting Vote

Oak Bluffs voters next month will decide whether the town should fund an engineering survey of the town beach, expand the membership of its personnel board and start work to improve the road layout, sidewalks and railings along Seaview avenue.

Selectmen on Tuesday approved 17 articles for a Dec. 11 special town meeting. Selectmen approved all the articles unanimously and with little discussion, including a request for $65,000 for an engineering study of the beach, bank and seawall from the North Bluff to Farm Pond.
