Antonio Salguero first visited Vineyard Haven as a child in the late 1970s. At the time, his uncle Ross Gannon was a young local carpenter.
August is coming to an end on Martha’s Vineyard, the 20th August I can remember in my time living on this Island.
From the August 30, 1965 edition of the Vineyard Gazette: The blossoms of rose of sharon bushes are already pronouncing a dirge for August.
Patricia Williams, author of The Miracle of the Black Leg: Notes on Race, Human Bodies, and the Spirit of the Law, does not shy away from hard subjects.
Green Villa, a proposed 100-apartment affordable housing complex in Oak Bluffs, needs to bring more details to Island planners before it can start a full public review.
In the depths of sorrow, gratitude is one of the hardest things to cultivate.
There are no adoptions to report this week, but our pet of the week is Nellie.
Oak Bluffs
Michael Peters purchased 3 Evans Way in Oak Bluffs from Geoghan E. Coogan Trust and 25 Inca Road Nominee Trust for $175,000 on August 23.
I must say Monday’s sudden rain/hailstorm was a weather adventure I do not care to experience again. State Road at Four Corners was a fast-running river.