Repairing Alabama Masts Is Journey of a Lifetime

Antonio Salguero first visited Vineyard Haven as a child in the late 1970s. At the time, his uncle Ross Gannon was a young local carpenter.

Plastic Bottle Ban Deserves More Attention

August is coming to an end on Martha’s Vineyard, the 20th August I can remember in my time living on this Island.

Gazette Chronicle: So Long

From the August 30, 1965 edition of the Vineyard Gazette: The blossoms of rose of sharon bushes are already pronouncing a dirge for August.

Getting to the Heart of the Matter With the Language of Law

Patricia Williams, author of The Miracle of the Black Leg: Notes on Race, Human Bodies, and the Spirit of the Law, does not shy away from hard subjects.

Hurdles Remain Ahead of 100-Unit Affordable Housing Project

Green Villa, a proposed 100-apartment affordable housing complex in Oak Bluffs, needs to bring more details to Island planners before it can start a full public review.

Honoring a Life Spent in Service to the Island

In the depths of sorrow, gratitude is one of the hardest things to cultivate.

Please Adopt Us: August 30

There are no adoptions to report this week, but our pet of the week is Nellie.

Real Estate Transactions: Week Ending August 23

Oak Bluffs
Michael Peters purchased 3 Evans Way in Oak Bluffs from Geoghan E. Coogan Trust and 25 Inca Road Nominee Trust for $175,000 on August 23.

Keeping Up

I must say Monday’s sudden rain/hailstorm was a weather adventure I do not care to experience again. State Road at Four Corners was a fast-running river.
