It was standing room only at an Edgartown select board meeting Monday as family, friends and police officers gathered to celebrate the swearing-in of police chief Chris Dolby.
On the second Sunday in December, we took the noon boat from Vineyard Haven to Woods Hole, and well into our car trip I realized that I’d left my sunglasses on the boat.
Who knew that back in 1970, that a New Hampshire man would move to Martha’s Vineyard, become the new high school music teacher, and just by chance lead the girls’ basketball program.
On January 20th, 2025
MLK and DJT converge
In a paradoxical collision
On what it means to be free
“Make America great again”
The antithesis of MLK’s dream
Diversity, equity, inclusion
Now under siege
On Inauguration Day
Democracy affirmed
By a peaceful transfer of power
The oath of Donald John Trump
“To solemnly swear…
To preserve, protect
And defend the Constitution…”
Brings joy to many
Yet leaves nearly as many
Disbelieving in his sincerity
From the Jan. 17, 1986 edition of the Vineyard Gazette: Mary Holman was teaching school in Boston when she first heard of Martin Luther King Jr.
My sister-in-law Sandra Caruso had a double wallop of tragedy last week.
I have a great idea of how you can spend next Monday, rather than in front of television watching the presidential inauguration.
Weather is often challenging during scallop season. The wind can be relentless.
This week’s Chappy Community Center potluck has been postponed to Wednesday, Jan. 22.
The sun is shining, but it is still cold, and the wind is still blowing.