As has been proclaimed in recent articles and editorials, there is a lack of leadership in the upper management of the Steamship Authority.
It came in an official looking envelope with a yellow border. It contained my notice to report for jury duty.
Edgartown Lumberyard LLC. purchased 135 West Tisbury Road in Edgartown from Lisa Sherman, Elizabeth G. Cottle Estate, Edward J. Bartlett Jr. Trust and Edmund J. Dennehy Jr. Trust for $1,200,000 on Dec. 16.
Melissa M. Burke Revocable Trust of 2012 purchased 15 Mill street, Unit 30F in Edgartown from Anthony J. Burke Trust, Paula M. Burke Trust, Burke Family Revocable Trust of 2022 and Melissa M. Burke Trust for $410,000 on Dec. 16.
The Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank reported revenues of $720,531.62 for the business week ending on Friday, Dec. 20, 2024.
It’s been a very happy Christmas for three of our residents and their new families. Stitches, the snuggle muffin tabby cat, has moved in with his new family.
The Vineyard boys hockey team is firing on all cylinders to start the season, and Nate Averill notched his 100th career goal, scoring four against Dennis-Yarmouth.
The Martha’s Vineyard Commission voted 10-4 Dec. 12 to publicly review the proposed demolition of a secluded house in West Chop that is believed to be older than stated in Tisbury town records.
More than 30 years after first issuing a special permit that has since proved elusive, the Edgartown planning board and The Trustees of Reservations came together last week to seek a way forward.
You walk into the room, a look of confusion on your face and say, “Mom, there’s this girl trying to talk to me on Facebook. I don’t know who she is but she says she’s my sister.”
The Biden administration approved plans to build a 141-turbine wind farm south of the Vineyard last week as another project off the Island’s coast appeared to be stalling out.