An advisory committee tasked with protecting Cape Pogue is urging the town to allow the use of pesticides in some cases in the name of conservation.
Firefighters were called 741 Main street at about 8:45 p.m. and the family that was inside the home was out safe by the time the police department responded.
Some newspapers remind their readers at year’s end of the important people who died this past year. I am mentioning — too briefly — a few people who were important to me and important to life on this Island.
Island fishermen expressed disappointment with federal fishing regulators after they declined to enact stronger protections last week for the struggling striped bass stock.
’Twas Christmas Eve and Santa Claus / Was on his annual trip / By reindeer from the cold North Pole / ’Twas not, of course, by ship, / For his landing place this year, / “Aquinnah,” Santa said, / But the reindeer saw no light at all / As usually they had / When in the past he’d chosen it.
The Chappy Ferry will run on the traditional abbreviated Christmas Day schedule on Wednesday, Dec. 25.
Weather inconsistencies don’t give you the sniffles, but they sure can challenge your immune system leaving you a tad more susceptible to picking up the numerous colds folks seem to be wandering around with this past week or so.
It looks like we are in for a seesaw week of weather.
Some requests have entered my news that I put before you. Our good friend, Jakob Burton-Sundman, has returned to his home on Island after some medical and rehabilitation work off-Island.
I know only one true West Tisbury Christmas story and it’s not about miracles — more Home Alone than It’s A Wonderful Life.