Allison Provost and David C. Provost 2nd purchased 57 Curtis Lane in Edgartown from Holland Curtis LLC. for $4,251,350 on Nov. 25.
A unanimous vote by the Martha’s Vineyard Commission has cleared the way for a mixed-income subdivision in Edgartown that reserves building lots and an apartment duplex for deed-restricted purchase by year-round Islanders.
From the Dec. 6, 1946 edition of the Vineyard Gazette: The cold wave predicted at various times by the weather bureau, at length arrived on Sunday night.
On Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, I awoke to find ice covering the bird bath. Ice forms much earlier than this further north, and it triggers late southbound migrants out of their northern habitats.
A white stag has been the talk of a neighborhood and residents are on the lookout.
Six sea turtles have washed up on Vineyard shores this season as water temperatures around the region begin to drop.
It finally happened. We’ve gone into actual late fall in relation to the chilly temperatures.
We didn’t grow up on the same street or even in the same town. We didn’t run with the same crowd, but we did cross paths on regular intervals over the past couple of decades.
Chilmark town officials are suggesting the town go out to bid to find an organization to run the town community center’s summer programs, but fear there won’t be enough time to do it this year.
At 1 a.m. Wednesday morning I checked the Chappy Ferry webcams just to see what, if anything, was going on down there.