SSA Needs Change

I attended the meeting Tuesday night of the various SSA folks, held at the request of Christine Sherman Todd, chairman of the Dukes County Commissioners, at the Film Center.

Light Pollution

About 17 months ago, the Vineyard Gazette published my essay entitled Say Goodbye to the Milky Way.

For the Forest

Has the DCR gone berserk? How else to explain its plan to clear-cut over 10,000 white pine trees from our state forest?

Vineyard Haven Library Seeks Funding for Major Renovation

The library’s elected board of trustees is asking Tisbury voters to approve a Proposition 2 1/2 override for up to $8.8 million in borrowing for the project, which includes building an addition for which the trustees are raising private donations.

Red Planet Mars

Mars is going to be our favorite planet in the New Year. If you haven't seen it lately, the time approaches when it will be at its brightest and prominent in our night sky. The planet comes up late in the night. Look after 10 p.m. for it rising in the east. Later is better.

Recent Real Estate Transactions


SVLA LLC. purchased 1 Skipper View Lane in Aquinnah from MOTCO LLC. for $4,575,000 on Nov. 19.

Aquinnah Property LLC purchased 6 Beach Plum Way in Aquinnah from Timothy M. Collins and Susan M. Collins for $ 3,725,000 on Nov. 22.


Andrew Marcus and Catherine Marcus purchased 49 Tilton Road in Chilmark from Wilks Chilmark LLC. for $7,650,000 on Nov. 21.


Romy Arrives

Richie and Leigh Ann Yuen, of Oak Bluffs , announce the birth of a grandchild, Romy Jacklin Pisano, born on Nov. 16

Five and Ten

From the Nov. 30, 1979 edition of the Vineyard Gazette: The north end of Tisbury’s Main street will change dramatically this winter, ending the era of the town five-and-ten-cent store when fistfuls of candy were bought for a penny and household trinkets were bagged for two-bits.

Being Thankful

We finally got some much needed rain. As an outdoor worker, it’s always a relief to come inside for a day or two.

Chappy Town Column: Nov. 29

Margaret Knight wrote this column for many years before she turned it over to me many years ago.
