Officials Find Jail Violates State Codes

The Massachusetts Department of Corrections and the state Department of Public Health assigned the Dukes County House of Corrections poor marks for substandard safety and health provisions for inmates.

High School Budget Set at $11.6 Million; State Aid Cuts, Rising Costs Explain Jump

Dwindling state aid and rising insurance costs are fueling a regional high school budget that will cost Island taxpayers $11.6 million next year.

Early Retirement Program Attracts 26 County Officials

Early Retirement Program Attracts 26 County Officials


A highway superintendent, an executive secretary, a librarian and a
jail administrator are among a long list of Vineyarders who will take
early retirement this year under a program made possible by an act of
the state legislature.

Approved last spring as a cost-cutting measure and signed into law
by acting Gov. Jane Swift, the law cleared the way for towns and
counties to offer early retirement to employees.

Pressure to Delay Airport Master Plan Vote May Jeopardize Final Approval of Study

Pressure to Delay Airport Master Plan Vote May Jeopardize Final
Approval of Study


Public pressure to delay a vote could prevent adoption of the
proposed master plan for Martha's Vineyard Airport, the product of
a two-year, $332,370 study.

Conspicuous by its absence from the plan is the failure to designate
airport land for a new county jail, a concept which enjoys the support
of many in the community.

Red Stockings Offer Christmas Aid to Children

"Christmas was about getting nothing," she says in
clipped Yankee cadence. Lorraine Beaucaire Clark's family did not
speak English when they came from Portugal; her great-uncle, a Chilmark
resident for 55 years,speaks only Portuguese.

Hospital Reports Decline in Moped Accidents; Fewer Vendors, Tighter Laws Explain Trend

Oak Bluffs had fewer mopeds and fewer dealers renting them this year. Now the hospital is reporting fewer people ending up in the emergency room after crashing a moped.

Golf Course Developers Attack Land Commission in Superior Court Lawsuit

Using new lawyers but spelling out the same themes, the developers
of the Down Island Golf Club filed a lawsuit against the Martha's
Vineyard Commission late last week, attacking everything from the recent
vote to reject a luxury golf course project in the southern woodlands to
the enabling legislation that created the commission.

Talks Set to Reopen on Gas Station Plan

Gasoline is considered a necessity of life, but is one more gas
station a necessity for the Vineyard? The Martha's Vineyard
Commission was expected to take up the question again last night as a
public hearing reopened on a proposal for a new gas station on State
Road in Vineyard Haven.

First Big Snowfall of Season Buries Island; Early Storm Follows Track from Kansas

The season's first big snowstorm turned the Island into a
winter wonderland yesterday and last night. It marked the first time in
years the Vineyard has seen so much snow before Christmas.

Town Supports Rental Licenses

Edgartown officials will soon get their foot in the door of every rental property in town, the result of a selectmen-endorsed regulation which forces property owners to license rental properties and allow inspectors to ensure dwellings meet state habitation codes.
