Almost five hundred persons, representing all Island towns, attended the Open- house of the Vineyard Gazette, held Saturday afternoon and evening at its now home, at corner of South Summer Street and Davis Lane, or, if you prefer, Pilgrim’s Alley.
Matthew A. Henson, who is visiting the Powell family in Oak Bluffs for a few weeks, proclaims with twinkling eyes that he is too young now to go on Arctic explorations. He accompanied Admiral Peary on eight expeditions, was the first man to arrive at the North Pole and to raise the American flag there. He received an honorary degree of master of science from Morgan University in Baltimore ten years ago, and from Howard University in Washington this year. He also received an engraved watch this year from the Explorers Club in New York.
The process of moving the plant of the Vineyard Gazette to the new office began on Friday, immediately after the issue of last week had come from the press. Only one piece of equipment was moved, the big Duplex press, and the operation of taking it apart, moving the pieces, and setting it up again occupied all working hours until Tuesday. The press was tested on Wednesday, and performed well in its new surroundings.
The moving of other machinery will begin this afternoon, but the plant will not be entirely transplanted for a week or two more.
Purchase of the former Isaiah Mills house at the corner of Davis Lane and South Summer street, Edgartown, by the Vineyard Gazette was completed yesterday. Plans for use of the property are still in a formative stage, but it will be occupied by the Vineyard Gazette as an office some time this fall. The premises are separated by one house from the present Gazette office, owned by Philip S. Pent, which has been occupied for seventeen years.