Crashing together in the dense fog Monday morning the steamers Miramar and Gay Head sustained serious damage. The collision came off Mosher’s Ledge, outside New Bedford harbor.
The upper-works of the Miramar were smashed and she was battered in only a short distance above the water-line. It is probable that the presence of mind and prompt action of both captains avoided a serious accident. As it was there were no serious injuries and the damage to the boats is the only result of the crash.
Cronig Bros. have acquired a grocery store on wheels, a Reo truck with a large and impressive body painted brown and housing a store of no mean dimensions. If you meet it on the road you are likely to mistake it for one of the houses which are always hunting new homes on the Vineyard.
Vice President and Mrs. Coolidge and their two sons, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William M. Butler at Mohu, their Lambert's Cove estate, for several days. They left Tuesday. Others in the party at Mohu included Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stearns of Boston, and a member of the secret service.
Hooch, not home brewed or moonshine distilled, but old fashioned 100 proof, of every conceivable kind, from plain cheap rum to the highest grade of champagne, is being openly sold and in large quantities with 30 miles of Martha's Vineyard.
There is not much to tell of the queer narrative of the winged angel who visited Lambert’s Cove once and has never been seen there since.