The Morby family's $3 million gift to Community Services was the single largest donation in the organization's history.
The Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank reported revenues of $113,480 for the business week ending on Friday, Sept. 13, 2024.
Jessica L. Riccio purchased 15 Deacon Vincent Way in Edgartown from Frank K. Muchel and Jean G. Muchel for $1,785,000 on Sept. 11.
This Sunday a gibbous moon appears in the zodiacal constellation Taurus and it is the first day of autumn.
Autumn arrives officially at 8:43 a.m. that morning.
The mornings have turned chilly and the dog, always a lazy sort who likes to sleep in, has burrowed under the covers, lying in bed with my daughter.
I’m told that people must die eventually, but I had hoped, maybe even expected, that my cousin Bart Heywood might live forever.
More and more the fact is brought home that the modesty of the average person in concealing the details of his career, adventurous or otherwise, is a sad loss to those who know him and to those who will come after.
Along with our daughter Chloe and her caregiver, Stephanie Brothers, Tim and I toured Island Autism’s newly completed day programming center. It is a striking accomplishment.
I was very saddened to hear that Leslie’s Drug Store will be closing. Leslie’s has been my pharmacy since I first arrived on the Vineyard in the summer of 1971.
The 79th Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby has begun and already one Chappaquiddicker has his name up on the daily leader board. Oliver Filley caught a 5-pound bluefish from the beach on the second day.