• Larry Glick

Gibbous Moon in Taurus

This Sunday a gibbous moon appears in the zodiacal constellation Taurus and it is the first day of autumn.

Autumn arrives officially at 8:43 a.m. that morning.

Step outside late on Sunday and you'll see the bright gibbous moon amid the stars of Taurus. Nearby and and to the viewer's left there is the bright planet Jupiter. Take a closer look at that brilliant moon and you'll see that the moon appears beneath the star cluster Pleiades, also familiar to some as Seven Sisters.

The Pleiades will be harder to see because of the moon's brilliance. If you've got binoculars those stars will be easier to discern.

Taurus is a mythological bull and it marks one of the more familiar end of year constellations. Taurus will dominate our late autumn and winter skies. The bright orange star in the constellation is Aldebaran.

With summer behind us, our nights are longer than we see the daylight sun.


Sunrise and Sunset
Day Sunrise Sunset
Fri., Sept. 20 6:26 6:43
Sat., Sept. 21 6:27 6:41
Sun., Sept. 22 6:28 6:39
Mon., Sept. 23 6:29 6:37
Tues., Sept. 24 6:30 6:36
Wed., Sept. 25 6:31 6:34
Thurs., Sept. 26 6:32 6:32
Fri., Sept. 27 6:33 6:30
Temperatures and Precipitations
Day Max (Fº) Min (Fº) Inches
Sept. 13 75 55` 0.00
Sept. 14 78 57 0.00
Sept. 15 80 61 0.00
Sept. 16 77 51 0.00
Sept. 17 74 53 0.00
Sept. 18 75 61 T
Sept. 19 70 64 0.06
Water temperature in Edgartown harbor: 69º F


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