Venus is ever so quickly slipping closer to the western horizon each night. The brightest planet that looks like an airplane approaching with landing...
The nearly first quarter moon appears close to the bright planet Jupiter and the bright star Aldebaran on the evening of Wednesday, March 5. All...
The two brightest planets in our evening sky are Venus and Jupiter. This is a good time to take note of both, for Venus is beginning to slide closer...
Today, Valentine's Day, is a good time to be thinking about Venus tonight. Step outside shortly after sunset and look to the west for the brightest...
Next Wednesday's full moon, the Snow Moon, will be in the zodiacal constellation Leo. Leo is a constellation we associate more with spring than...
A thin waxing crescent moon will be visible so close to the horizon, you may miss it. The moon is a thin sliver. But right next to it you'll find a...
The brightest planet in the western sky, Venus is very close to the planet Saturn. The two are in planetary conjunction. It is easy to tell which of...
There are so many visible planets in our night sky. Step out into the early evening sky and you can get a view of most of them. Venus is low in the...
Monday night's full moon will be the highest of the year. The moon, also called the Ice Moon, will be in the zodiacal constellation Gemini. It rises...
Tonight a thin waxing crescent moon appears low in the southwestern sky, right above the bright planet Venus. Both are in the zodical constellation...
Tomorrow morning, well before sunrise, you have an opportunity to see the planet Mercury close to the horizon. And you are being helped by a thin...
There is a small but convenient meteor shower late on Saturday night. The center of the Ursid meteor shower is right up near the Little Dipper and...
