It was so wonderfully warm and sunny on Tuesday that I saw a honeybee on my crocuses.
Last week’s warmer weather lit a fire under me, finally. Violet and I got out in the yard for some much-needed pruning and raking.
What a welcome change in the weather. Already green shoots of spring-flowering bulbs are poking through.
I love when it warms up after a couple of snowy days and the snow gives itself back up to the atmosphere. The foggy mist is a welcome calm.
My favorite thing about snow is its ability to keep me indoors goofing off. As an outdoor worker there is literally nothing to do.
Monday morning dawned with my favorite winter weather — a new-fallen snow was covering all the tree branches.
We finally got a heat wave with temperatures just barely above freezing. I cannot remember the ground even freezing last winter.
What’s wrong with me? I hate the heat and humidity in summer but now I’m whining about the cold.
It was practically a heat wave on Monday when the temperature got up into the 40s. We spent some time outside.
Nothing in the weather world is more annoying than wind.
By the time this hits the newsstands, we will be in a New Year.
What a fun weather surprise on Friday night. I did not expect snow. What I did expect, sadly, was the non-stop plowing of the roads.
