Sheriff Defends Prison Transfers

Last week's arrival of a Saudi prince as an inmate at the
Edgartown House of Correction is part of a continuing practice in which
the Vineyard facility has housed prisoners from off-Island.

Santa Claus Lady: Red Stocking Begins Season Helping Needy

More than a decade ago Ida (Buzzy) Gardner wrote a story about a
woman who brought small toys to young children on Martha's
Vineyard. The Santa Claus Lady was her name, and as the story goes she
"brought Christmas in tiny packages wrapped in odd pieces of paper
tightly tied with bits of ribbon."

Smells Like French Fries, Runs the Car; Earth-Friendly Biodiesel Catches On

Smells Like French Fries, Runs the Car; Earth-Friendly Biodiesel Catches


You've been following the car in front of you for miles. No matter where
you both go, you cannot escape a vague but persistent smell of French
fries. But nobody in the car ahead is eating anything. Hunger begins to
set in.

Blame Ralph Packer.

Chilmark Voters Reject Home Port Plan

After a two-hour debate that weighed the future of Menemsha against the town's other priorities, Chilmark voters this week passed on an opportunity to buy the Home Port restaurant and adjoining pondfront properties for $3.9 million.

Preschool Enriches Elementary Learning

When four-year-old Dashiell Christy begins his day at the Chilmark Preschool, he decides which activity he wants to do first - playdough, blocks, or maybe making a pot of pretend coffee in a miniature kitchen.

This morning, Dashiell - or Dash, as his classmates call him - chose blocks.

Choice is a central tenet of the Chilmark Preschool philosophy, as laid out by director Christine Abrams.

Island Cup Victory Punctuates Season

With less than four minutes left in the Martha's Vineyard-Nantucket football game Saturday, several Vineyard players snuck up behind special teams, linebacker and tight end coach Stephen Barbee and doused him with a large Gatorade bucket full of ice water.

The traditional prank was a fitting end to the afternoon for a coach who saw all three of his units play a starring role in the Vineyard's convincing 27-12 win over the archrival Whalers on a bright but chilly day at McCarthy Field.

West Tisbury Voters Veto Legal Bills in Tax Case, Reject Town Hall Funds

West Tisbury Voters Veto Legal Bills in Tax Case, Reject Town Hall


An overflow crowd of West Tisbury voters this week delivered a
stinging mandate to town officials, rejecting a $1.8 million cost
overrun on the town hall renovation project and $250,000 in legal bills
for the ongoing tax case between town assessors and resident William W.

The special town meeting on Wednesday night saw a record turnout of
288 voters, more than attended the annual town meeting in April.

School Budget Talks Highlight Steady Rise in Cost of Education

School Budget Talks Highlight Steady Rise in Cost of Education


The merits of forming a single regional school district came to the
forefront of an all-Island school committee meeting this week, as an
increase in the budget for the Vineyard schools superintendent prompted
discussion once again about ways to manage rising costs in education.

Town Meeting Sends a Difficult Mandate

Town Meeting Sends a Difficult Mandate

Fallout Begins on Day Following Vote; Many Questions Remain
Unanswered for Both Tax Case and Town Hall


With a town hall renovation project in tatters, unpaid bills stacked
high and a legal expense account on empty, the question left hanging in
West Tisbury yesterday was: What next?

Town Meeting Sends a Difficult Mandate

Fallout Begins on Day Following Vote; Many Questions Remain
Unanswered for Both Tax Case and Town Hall


With a town hall renovation project in tatters, unpaid bills stacked
high and a legal expense account on empty, the question left hanging in
West Tisbury yesterday was: What next?
