School Budget Is Unbalanced

Bids Opened for Town Hall Project; Cost of Renovation Over $5.5


The price tag for the West Tisbury town hall renovation project shot
up to $5.5 million yesterday, after selectmen opened construction bids
that were, as expected, well over the original estimate.

Voters will now be asked at a Nov. 16 special town meeting to open
their wallets and approve another $1.8 million for the beleaguered
renovation. A special town election will be held the following day with
a corresponding Proposition 2 1/2 override ballot question.

Bids Opened for Town Hall Project; Cost of Renovation Over $5.5 Million

Bids Opened for Town Hall Project; Cost of Renovation Over $5.5


The price tag for the West Tisbury town hall renovation project shot
up to $5.5 million yesterday, after selectmen opened construction bids
that were, as expected, well over the original estimate.

Voters will now be asked at a Nov. 16 special town meeting to open
their wallets and approve another $1.8 million for the beleaguered
renovation. A special town election will be held the following day with
a corresponding Proposition 2 1/2 override ballot question.

Tisbury Voters Consider Connector Road

The construction of a road connecting State and Edgartown-Vineyard
Haven roads and a garage to temporarily house the town's new
ladder truck top an atypically weighty list of requests facing voters at
the Tisbury special town meeting Tuesday night.

Ghost Stories: Haunted Houses Hold Scary Lore Within Old Walls

The night is dark. And it is Halloween.

You are driving home from a party in Chilmark near Windy Gates when your car's engine suddenly and unexpectedly dies on a dark, quiet road. Attempts to restart it prove futile, and with no cell phone reception, you are forced to search for help. A faint light far off in the dense woods signals a flicker of hope for salvation, so you grab your flashlight and head out.

Minerals Board Takes the Lead in Reviewing Wind Farm Plans

Minerals Board Takes the Lead in Reviewing Wind Farm Plans


The regulatory stage for the proposed wind farm in Nantucket Sound
has shifted, after a federal environmental agency within the Department
of the Interior quietly assumed lead authority over the controversial
Cape Wind project.

One Lonely Article Sparks Hot Debate on Meeting Motive

Town Selectmen See Legal Bills

Assessors in West Tisbury Unveil Bills from Graham Tax Case with
$275,000 Price Tag; November Meeting Set


West Tisbury selectmen this week saw their first glimpse of the
legal bills related to the tax case against town assessors. The total
estimated price tag tops $275,000.

Town Selectmen See Legal Bills

Town Selectmen See Legal Bills

Assessors in West Tisbury Unveil Bills from Graham Tax Case with
$275,000 Price Tag; November Meeting Set


West Tisbury selectmen this week saw their first glimpse of the
legal bills related to the tax case against town assessors. The total
estimated price tag tops $275,000.

High School SAT Scores Remain Solid

High School SAT Scores Remain Solid


Students at the Martha's Vineyard Regional High School
continue to do well on the SAT, posting verbal scores above the state,
New England and national mean scores. And in math students scored above
the mean for New England.

Although the SAT scores for the class of 2005 were lower than the
class of 2004, scores overall still show a steady increase over the past
nine years.

Augustus Ben David Will Retire from Felix Neck After 36 Years

Spending time with Augustus (Gus) Ben David 2nd at the World of
Reptiles is a learning experience from start to finish.

But it is in the snake room, in the basement of his home in
Edgartown, surrounded by over a hundred feet of slithering reptiles
locked in wooden cages, where Mr. Ben David is in his element.

Boat Line Governors Approve Rate Hikes

Boat Line Governors Approve Rate Hikes


Citing an unyielding trend of flat car and passenger traffic on
ferries to both Islands topped by the high cost of fuel, the Steamship
Authority board of governors voted yesterday to approve across-the-board
rate hikes aimed at collecting an additional $4 million in revenue next

Beginning Jan. 1 Vineyard residents of all stripes will pay more to
travel on boat line ferries. Nantucket residents will see a combination
of fare hikes and reduced service.
