
How the Vineyard has Voted Since Taylor’s Election

The first presidential election reported in the columns of the Vineyard Gazette was that of 1848, two years after the founding of the Gazette by Edgar Marchant. The election took place on Tuesday. On Friday the Gazette printed the result in Dukes County, which was as follows, the figures being those for Taylor, Cass and Van Buren in that order: Edgartown 157, 46, 35; Tisbury 99, 38, 42; Chilmark 34, 49, 4; total 290, 133, 81. Dukes County therefore went Whig by a majority of 76.

County Nominations

The three parties made the following nominations for county officers to be voted for next Tuesday: -
For Representative - Republican, Cornelius B. Marchant, of Edgartown; Democratic, James F. Cleveland, of Tisbury; Prohibition, Ulysses E. Mayhew, of Tisbury.
For Register of Probate - Republican, *Samuel Keniston, of Edgartown; Democratic, Hebron Vincent, of Edgartown; Prohibition, George Nolen, of Cottage City.

Election of Edwin D. Vanderhoop

While the election of Mr. Vanderhoop last Tuesday was not unexpected, the size of the majority by which that result was secured was probably hardly anticipated even by his friends. The campaign for Mr. Vanderhoop developed into a regular craze as it progressed; he became a sort of Buffalo Bill-among-the-British-nobility. People began to glory in the notion of elevating a Gay Head Indian to in some respects the highest place in the gift of the county.
