The three parties made the following nominations for county officers to be voted for next Tuesday: -
For Representative - Republican, Cornelius B. Marchant, of Edgartown; Democratic, James F. Cleveland, of Tisbury; Prohibition, Ulysses E. Mayhew, of Tisbury.
For Register of Probate - Republican, *Samuel Keniston, of Edgartown; Democratic, Hebron Vincent, of Edgartown; Prohibition, George Nolen, of Cottage City.
For County Treasurer - Republican, John S. Smith, of Edgartown; Democratic, no nomination; Prohibition, Leavitt T. Norton, of Tisbury.
For Register of Deeds - Republican, Tristram R. Holley, of Edgartown; Democratic, no nomination; Prohibition, Joseph Dias, of Cottage City.
For County Commissioner - Republican, Benjamin B. Smith, of Tisbury; Democratic, Allen Look, of Tisbury; Prohibition, Horatio G. Norton, of Tisbury
*Mr. Keniston has withdrawn, and Mr. Vincent stands on the Republican ticket.
Chas. G. M. Dunham, of Edgartown, and William A. Morse, of Tisbury, are Independent candidates for Representative.
For Election Day Only
To accommodate those wishing to vote and leave the Island the same day, the Steamboat Company has decided to leave Edgartown 9.15 A.M. Cottage City 9.45 A.M. Vineyard Haven 10.00 A.M. Connecting at New Bedford with 1.30 P.M. train arriving in Boston 3.20 P.M., Providence 3.30 P.M.
Cleveland and Cleveland: The Slogan of the Dukes County Democracy
The Democratic County Convention held at West Tisbury Monday, was called to order at 2 P.M., by Allen Look, Esq., of West Tisbury. Mr. Look was elected President, and Dr. Lyman H. Luce, of West Tisbury, secretary. Capt. Jas. F. Cleveland, of West Tisbury, was unanimously nominated for Representative. After considering for some time the feasibility of ratifying the nomination of Horatio G. Norton, of Tisbury, (the Prohibitory candidate) for County Commissioner, Allen Look was nominated for that office. Hebron Vincent, of Edgartown, was nominated for Register of Probate and Insolvency. On motion of Dr. Luce, the chair appointed George Burgess, H. C. Norton, of Tisbury, and Jas. F. Cleveland, a committee to nominate a County Committee for the ensuing year. Drs. C. F. Lane and L. H. Luce, of Tisbury, Leroy Y. Fisher and L. C. Wimpenney, of Edgartown, Alonzo Tilton, of Chilmark, and J. W, Tilton, of Gosnold, were nominated and elected. Three towns, Tisbury, Cottage City, and Chilmark were represented at the Convention. No nominations were made for Register of Deeds or County Treasurer.