The Martha’s Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation’s annual education scholarships are now accepting applications.
We have no adoptions to report this week, but our pet of the week is an awesome eight-month-old chocolate Labrador retriever/pit bull mix named Maple.
For the first time in its history, the Vineyard Gazette publishes a news notice in the Portuguese language, this being the first official notice ordered by William H. Andrews, president of the newly organized Portuguese-American Club League.
The Edgartown Library doubles as an art gallery thanks to a collection bequeathed to the town of Edgartown in the 1930s by Charles Simpson.
Magic: The Gathering players gather regularly across the Island to play the fantasy card game, known for its expansive lore and complicated rules.
The Martha’s Vineyard Playhouse is beginning its Winter Stars program next week.
During the last year, this column documented a remarkable 284 species seen on the Vineyard.
The brightest planet in the western sky, Venus is very close to the planet Saturn. The two are in planetary conjunction. It is easy to tell which of the two is Venus, but make sure you can see the considerably fainter Saturn nearby.
This weekend the two will separate, as though going their own way. Saturn is sinking lower and lower in the western sky in the nights ahead, while Venus appears to be stationary.
What’s wrong with me? I hate the heat and humidity in summer but now I’m whining about the cold.