Southern Tier, a 60-unit housing development proposed to be built next to the Martha’s Vineyard Ice Arena, went before the town’s zoning board of appeals this week, one of the only remaining regulatory hurdles left for the project.
The Martha’s Vineyard Commission gave its unanimous assent this week to Jim Eddy of Big Sky Tents for a new, 27,000-square foot building on a three-acre lot at the airport business park.
Xerxes Agassi, who owns the former Educomp building on State Road in downtown Vineyard Haven, won the Tisbury select board’s support this week for his latest plan to convert the landmark structure into a 14-unit apartment complex with ground-floor office space.
After reviewing Mr. Agassi’s revised proposal, which designates certain units for workforce and affordable housing, board members voted Wednesday to send a letter of support to the Martha’s Vineyard Commission, which is expected to open a new hearing on the Educomp development later this year.
Three men who had been arrested in connection with the armed robbery of the Rockland Trust in November were indicted by a federal grand jury this week.
At this year’s Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival, the glue binding together many of its 28 films is the Vineyard and the creativity of the Island community.
On March 2, the federal government issued the last of its pandemic SNAP allotments, but a $1.3 million grant to the Martha's Vineyard Community Foundation is helping keep Islanders fed.
Several municipal heating, ventilation and air conditioning projects on the Island that have ballooned in price recently, driven up as towns look to replace aging equipment but have no on-Island specialists to carry out such large jobs.
It is clear that the Island is losing the fabric of its community at a mind-boggling rate because of the lack of affordable housing here.
From the March 18, 1983 edition of the Vineyard Gazette: Robert Sanborn and Stuart Bangs are two members of the Barnacle Club, a club that has held a prestigious place in Vineyard history.
The pictures of the Wacks house perched on the edge of the cliff in the paper brought to mind the dark lines from Robert Frost's Once by the Pacific.