Aquinnah Ponders Stricter Building Codes to Help the Environment

As Aquinnah’s annual town meeting in May approaches, the select board continued to hear requests for warrant articles at its meeting Tuesday.

Island Employers Pack High School Job Fair in Search of Workers

About 100 local businesses applied for tables at the 40-minute event, a number so high that about half of them didn’t make the cut due to the cafeteria’s capacity.

Eighth Grade Boys Basketball Team Wins State Championship

At a hotel in Foxborough last weekend the Martha’s Vineyard eighth grade boys basketball team decided to make a statement, bringing out the buzz cutters and giving each other mullets.

Edgartown Extends Cape Pogue Scallop Season

Following a banner year for Island bay scallops, the town of Edgartown has opted to extend commercial bay scallop season in Cape Pogue an extra two weeks until April 14.

Camp Jabberwocky Names New Executive Director

Camp Jabberwocky, the Vineyard residential camp for people with disabilities, announced Monday that it has hired a new executive director — the second in its 70-year history.

Farmers Hear Growing Concerns at Annual Meeting

State legislators and farm advocates gathered at the second annual meeting of the Martha’s Vineyard Farm Bureau Monday to voice their agricultural concerns and hear about current farm-focused initiatives at the statehouse.

When Winter Means Star-Spangled Banner Season

The winter sports season at the regional high school recently ended its run, which means Star-Spangled Banner season has also finished for Mary MacDonald.

Long Point Wildlife Refuge Closed for Burn Sunday

Earlier this month, the Trustees and the Nature Conservancy said they'd be doing prescribed burns at five properties across the Island.

Tango Ensemble Puts Islanders Onstage and in the Front Row

The allure of tango music drew an eager audience to the Martha’s Vineyard Performing Arts Center Friday night for a concert by QuinTango, the Virginia-based tango ensemble that has been visiting Island schools over the past week.

Oak Bluffs ZBA Reviews Southern Tier Development

Southern Tier, a 60-unit housing development proposed to be built next to the Martha’s Vineyard Ice Arena, went before the town’s zoning board of appeals this week, one of the only remaining regulatory hurdles left for the project.
