Edgartown Conservation Commission members have raised concerns regarding the number of vehicles the Trustees’ allow on their trails and whether the organization would be able to secure sufficient staffing for the summer volume.
On Feb. 13, the town of Edgartown, in partnership with Dukes County and the Trustees, commenced the second phase of restoring the dunes along Norton Point.
West Tisbury officials previously raised concerns over the frequency of events held at the hall, resulting in a lawsuit between the town and the Vineyard Preservation Trust.
On Tuesday and Wednesday nights a thin crescent moon is in proximity to the bright planets Venus and Jupiter. The three are low in the southwestern sky right after sunset and available for viewing for a short time.
West Tisbury is pumping the brakes on plans to renovate the Howes House after the select board voted Wednesday to withdraw an article to appropriate $215,000 for a project now estimated to cost $10 million in total.
Built when Ulysses S. Grant was president, the Dukes County Jail – which doubles as a county lockup for up to 800 arrestees each year – is marking its 150th year with critical needs for both capital and operational funding.
Going into the second season of Shed, a podcast about race produced by the Vineyard Gazette, host Eric Adams wishes more has changed.
On the hardwood and on the ice, in the pool and on the track, the regional high school winter sports teams have excelled in every arena this year.
I stand at the top of Huckleberry Hill Lane with my husband, Lance, and our dog, Riley.
Holly Nadler’s feel-good memoir The Hobo Diaries: Down and Out on Martha’s Vineyard” is a bright and sunny reading experience, but it starts with a straightforward horror-story scenario.