February Blooming

With the exception of the "big freeze," this has been the most un-February of months.

Tasty Treat

Timing is everything.

Chappaquiddick Town Column: Feb. 17

Since the shortest day of the year back in December, sunrise has been a half-hour earlier and sunset is a whole hour later.

Aquinnah Ponders Adopting Stricter Green Building Standards

The town could also opt into a specialized code that would require all fossil-fuel-based heating systems to be wired for future electric use and have solar power capability.

Chilmark Seeks Solutions for Menemsha Traffic

It’s only February but Chilmark residents, business owners and officials are already looking for ways to ease Menemsha’s summer traffic.

New District Attorney Fulfills Pledge of Bigger Vineyard Presence

The new Cape and Islands district attorney is in the process of setting up a new office in downtown Edgartown, fulfilling a campaign promise to create more of a presence on Martha’s Vineyard.

Edgartown School Lockdown Lifted

The Edgartown School went into lockdown Tuesday morning after receiving an anonymous threat. Police later determined it was a hoax but will continue to monitor the situation.

Art of Stella Waitzkin Continues to Tell New Stories

Artist Stella Waitzkin, a longtime Vineyarder who died in 2003, is being celebrated again with an exhibit at the Slag Gallery in New York city called These Books Are Paintings.

A Second Chapter for Linda Jean's Restaurant

A hungry and coffee-craving crowd stretched down Circuit avenue early Tuesday morning anxiously awaiting the reopening of Linda Jean’s Restaurant.

Martha Goes to Beacon Hill

On March 23, advocates for the MV Housing Bank Act will travel to the Massachusetts State House in Boston to encourage legislators to vote for the MV Housing Bank Act and local option transfer fee legislation.
