I am sitting here in my winter houserobe and my sheepskin slippers and can’t believe that last week we were in shorts. I think we all expected this as we have lived here long enough but the warm weather was nice and next we go into the fog. If we were that unhappy, we would not live here. So we enjoy what we have when we have it.
We had a mixed bag of weather over the weekend. Saturday was great but it went downhill after that with rain, wind and lower-than-average temperatures. It will be improving this weekend. Cinco de Mayo, the Mexican Independence Day, is celebrated on Monday.
Trout Tournament
The 34th annual trout tournament sponsored by the Martha’s Vineyard Rod and Gun Club will be held rain or shine at Duarte’s Pond off Lambert’s Cove Road from 5 to 10 a.m. Saturday, May 10. More information is available by calling Bob De Lisle at 508-627-3019.
Chilmark continues to green up and folks are busy gearing up for the warmer, busier days to come. Everyone seems to have a project and is intent on getting it done.
Chilmarkers took time out to attend the annual town meeting on Monday evening. A less-than-record crowd attended but the town’s business was dispatched with minimum of hesitation and nothing was denied.
Quest Martha’s Vineyard has scheduled a two-day village quest workshop on May 28 and 29 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Sail Martha’s Vineyard building on upper Main street, Vineyard Haven.
This workshop with Steve Glazer and members of the Quest MV program will give participants the skills to create community treasure hunts (known as quests) while understanding the role of community history in place-based education.
Welcome Kylee
Kathleen and Marc Brasefield of Edgartown announce the birth of a daughter, Kylee Joe Brasefield, born on April 17 at the Martha’s Vineyard Community Hospital. Kylee weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces at birth.
The Martha’s Vineyard Transit Authority will shift to its expanded, in-season schedule starting Saturday, May 3. The schedule will be in effect through Monday, Oct. 13.
Despite the rise in fuel costs, the transit authority at this time is not increasing its cash fares or pass prices.