Announcing Sophia
Celi Ferreira Da Silva Alves and Jose Fabio Alves of Edgartown announce the birth of a daughter, Sophia DeLazare Da Silva Alves, born on April 22 at the Martha’s Vineyard Community Hospital. She weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces.
A recount of ballots in two closely contested votes, the tied result on beer and wine sales in Tisbury and the narrow win by Jeff Kristal in the selectman’s race, will take place next Friday.
A $5.1 million plan to convert the old Bradley Memorial Church off Masonic avenue in Oak Bluffs into a mixed use building with affordable housing and artist work space has quickly become a heated neighborhood controversy.
On one side is a group of longtime residents of Dukes County avenue and the surrounding area who are proud of their largely blue-collar neighborhood. On the other is a group of town and Island officials touting a dense plan to redevelop property that is the site of the first African-American church on the Island.
Chilmark voters, known for their thrifty ways, will be put to the test at their annual town meeting next week when they are asked to spend extra money on a variety of projects from affordable housing to education.
The meeting begins on Monday, April 28 at 7:30 p.m., in the Chilmark Community Center. Moderator Everett H. Poole will preside.
The annual town election will be held on Wednesday; polls are open from noon to 8 p.m. at the community center.
In the unheated carriage shed of the Martha’s Vineyard Museum on School street in Edgartown, where dozens of this Island’s outsized historical objects are stacked, there is a door from a Chappaquiddick fishing shack on which fishermen have scrawled — mostly in pencil — various items of local news. “Harbour frozen over to Cape Pogue — unable to get in or out. Man seen walking on ice,” reports a note from 1886. The bottom half is marked by an artful pencil sketch of a fish.
On an Island already known for its high cost of living, the Vineyard now claims the dubious distinction of having the highest gasoline prices in the state and among the highest in the nation. Prices for regular gas eclipsed the $4 a gallon mark at most Island service stations this week, while premium prices climbed as high as $4.39 a gallon.
The prolonged saga of the three-story garage built without a permit in 2003 by Oak Bluffs resident Joseph Moujabber along the North Bluffs resumed last Thursday when the Martha’s Vineyard Commission opened a public hearing on revised plans for the building.
The proprietor of the Bunch of Grapes bookstore in Vineyard Haven has confirmed that he intends to move off-Island but said any plan to sell the landmark Main street bookstore remains up in the air.
Jon Nelson Jr., who took over from his mother, Ann, as the bookstore’s chief executive officer in 2005, said this week that the business is not listed for sale.
“It’s a business, it’s always for sale, but officially it’s not listed with anyone,” Mr. Nelson told the Gazette.