Town Challenges State Ruling

Edgartown will appeal a decision handed down last week by the state Housing Appeals Committee, which removed town-imposed conditions on a contentious 11-home development in an environmentally-sensitive area off Watcha Path.

The Cozy Hearth project was proposed by a group of Vineyard residents who banded together to build housing for themselves using Chapter 40B — a state law that allows affordable housing projects to skirt most zoning regulations.

The plan was to build 11 single family homes on 10.9 acres, in an area zoned for three-acre parcels.


Little Library That Could Goes to Voters

The Aquinnah Public Library sports a powerful literary and learning engine inside its homespun, 19th century exterior. The former little red schoolhouse, built in 1827 on State Road just past the town hall, houses more than 7,900 books and almost 1,700 audio and DVD materials. Over the past four years, the tiny library, less than 1,000 square feet, has earned national and state honors.

Aquinnah’s Alternative Energy Plans Dominate Town Warrant

Alternative energy looms large on the warrant for the May 13 Aquinnah annual town meeting.

The 31-warrant article, unveiled by Aquinnah selectmen at their meeting this week, is dominated by four energy-related articles, including a proposed new wind energy bylaw.

Voters will be asked to support efforts to site a wind turbine at the West Tisbury school and to join the Cape and Vineyard Electric Cooperative, designed to help manage and sell excess alternative energy that members generate.

Safety Class at Sail MV

Are you prepared to handle an emergency at sea? A free seminar on techniques for abandoning ship will be held at Sail Martha’s Vineyard, Main street, Vineyard Haven at 6 p.m. Thursday, May 1.

Capt. Kent Dresser of Confident Captain-Ocean Pros will demonstrate the proper deployment of an inflatable liferaft, how to get in and out of the raft, what to carry in your ditch bag and what you need to know before, during, and after you abandon ship.

Paul Farrington

Alternative Approach Hooks Into Brain to Fight Life’s Anxieties

“You learn to pay attention to the moment,“ said Sheila Morgan, a client of Paul Farrington, an Island provider of neurofeedback.

That’s a type of biofeedback, which aims to make people aware of, and thus control, their unconscious reactions.

“I came in like a jigsaw puzzle dropped on the table and came out put together again,” she said.

What’s this moment all about? And just how does neurofeedback work?

Our Island Club Establishes Scholarships

Our Island Club has established four $1,000 scholarships as part of its annual charitable contribution. In total, more than $25,000 will be distributed to more than 120 Island-based organizations.

“When members join, they direct the club to donate a portion of their membership fee to the charity of their choice,” co-founder Jonathan Bernstein said. “Most members designate a charity. However, several don’t and they have entrusted us to use those funds in a way that we see fit.

High School Tennis Team Will Work for Donations

The Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School boys’ tennis team is offering its services to any business or individual who needs help around their home or place of business in exchange for a financial donation to the team.

In the past the tennis booster club has held an annual round robin tennis tournament and solicited donations from local businesses. It was a lot of work and the club was always contending with weather.

This year the booster club, comprised of team parents, decided to give the boys ownership of the team fundraising.

County Sets Session On Controlling Pests

Dukes County will present a program Tuesday, May 6 on an introduction to inspectional services, rodent control and bedbug threats to hotels, bed and breakfasts and homes in Massachusetts.

The progam is scheduled from 9 a.m. to noon at the West Tisbury Public Safety Building, 454 State Road, West Tisbury.

Speakers will include John Meaney, a principal health inspector for the city of Boston, Kevin Moran, an entomologist with Residex LLC, and Sheila Haddad, a senior technical sales respresentative with Bell Laboratories Inc.

Economic Stimulus Plan, Vineyard Style

I have just submitted my new economic stimulation plan to the President and I am sure that he is, at this very moment, giving it thoughtful consideration. You will be happy to learn, I am sure, that if my plan is adopted, it will bring you real hope, change you can believe in, solutions you can count on and security in which you can trust at 3 a.m. or at any time, really, including twilight.

Here are some of the features included in my plan which may be of interest to you:

Gazette Editorial Misses Mark

I am writing to respond to last week’s Gazette editorial which faulted Cape Wind for filing a petition with the Massachusetts Energy Facilities Siting Board for relief from a denial of the Cape Cod Commission.

Cape Wind worked with the commission for six years. During that time the commission was provided with more information about the portions of the project in their jurisdiction (the transmission cables) than any regulatory body in Massachusetts has ever been provided for any proposed cable project.
