Letters to the Editor


Editors, Vineyard Gazette:

The following letter is being sent to the Martha’s Vineyard Commission:

We are writing this letter in support of the Bradley Square project.

Take a Chance on a Woman President

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I find it scary that I live in a country that is so misogynistic that the citizens would prefer to elect a goat for President rather than a woman. The fact that the population is 52 per cent women should clinch it but it doesn’t look that way. Which is another thing that scares me.

I admit that this election has me thinking with my heart as much as my head but, you know, it’s our turn, damn it. After centuries of men messing up, don’t you all think it’s time for a woman to try it?

Gazette Chronicle: Who Was Charlotte?

Who Was Charlotte?

From the Vineyard Gazette editions of April, 1958:


Tisbury Alcohol Question: Pro...

Change Is Good

Editors, Vineyard Gazette:

I would like to give the readers the perspectives and feelings of my family and many of my friends who were born and raised here.


...and Con

Preserve Our Town

Editors, Vineyard Gazette:


Raise Dead, Rain Fire from Sky: Chorus to Ascend With Elijah

F rom behind a closed door, and to the untrained ear of a reporter, it sounds like The Omen soundtrack. In fact, the Island Community Chorus is rehearsing an aria from Felix Mendelssohn’s Elijah, the most ambitious piece director Peter Boak’s choir has attempted in its 11-year history.

“The fire descends from heaven!” calls the director. The assembled hundred-or-so altos, basses and sopranos, blast the line around the back room of the Performing Arts Centre.


Celebrate Ultimate Sultan of Spring, Harbinger of Hope: Osprey Festival

Webster’s Dictionary defines the term harbinger as “a person or thing that comes before to announce or give indication of what is to follow.” If someone had either the time or inclination to search the various newspapers of this country, they would be hard-pressed to find any publication that uses the term harbinger more than the Vineyard Gazette in late winter and early spring — referring, of course, to the magical harbingers of spring.

Tagging Vineyard Osprey: Expert Explains Research

Tagging Vineyard Osprey:

Expert Explains Research

Rob Bierregaard, who has been studying the osprey population on the Vineyard for more than 35 years, will speak about the raptors in a lecture at the Wakeman Center off Lambert’s Cove Road in Vineyard Haven on Saturday, April 12 at 7 p.m.

Mr. Bierregaard is speaking in conjunction with the annual osprey festival sponsored by Mass Audubon’s Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary in Edgartown.

Saturday Slam Showcases Poetry as Performance

Island celebrations of National Poetry Month continue with Vineyard Slam’s first open reading of the 2008 season at Che’s Lounge on Main street in Vineyard Haven, tomorrow, Saturday, April 12.

Starting at 7 p.m., student and adult poets are invited to read from their original works in both open microphone and slam formats.

The slam is open to everyone, students and adults, spectators and participants. Those who wish to read can sign up at the door.

The suggested donation is $1.

French Film Stars Assemble in Cabaret Comedy Drama

The French comedy-drama Le Heros de la Famille (Family Hero) is this weekend’s offering from the Martha’s Vineyard Film Society, screening Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at Katharine Cornell Theatre in Vineyard Haven.
