Plum Lunch

Plum Lunch

Plum is readying a new summer show Creative Lunch hosted by ad-man Richard Kirshenbaum, founder of Kirshenbaum Bond + Partners. Mr. Kirshenbaum has helped develop such brands as Kenneth Cole, Snapple and Target and is regularly featured in the New York Times, Wired and as a commentator in US Weekly’s Fashion Police section.

Collaborative Schedules Workshop for Nonprofits

Collaborative Schedules

Workshop for Nonprofits

The Martha’s Vineyard Donors Collaborative has scheduled its spring workshop for Vineyard nonprofits, Strong Boards For Effective Governance and Good Fundraising, on Wednesday, April 16 at Outerland, 17 Airport Road, Edgartown.

The workshop is designed for organizations that have a challenge recruiting and retaining good board members or need to restructure their board to improve their governance and fundraising in an increasingly competitive environment.


West Tisbury




It was a cold raw weekend that did not feel like spring. It seemed warmer in January. The wind made it bone chilly cold. Red cardinals are forging around for food and not feeling very warm either. Trout fishing in the Mill Pond continues each day and should increase next week. If the weather warms up, we shall see our first prolonged visit by summer folks who will be coming down to open up their camps or houses for the summer.









Scholarship Offered

Scholarship Offered

The Title 1 Robert J. Watson Scholarship was established in 1989 to honor the memory of Robert Watson, Title 1 director for the Lynn Public Schools. The scholarship will provide $1,500 for one or more graduating seniors who have been accepted into a post-secondary undergraduate program. The scholarship may be awarded to any student who participated in a Title 1 funded program for at least one academic year at any grade level.

Fred Natusch is Honored for Nstar Customer Care

Fred Natusch is Honored

For Nstar Customer Care

Vineyard resident Fred Natusch, a veteran lineworker at Nstar, recently received the company’s Champion for the Customer award for outstanding dedication on the job.

In a release, the electric utility stated Mr. Natusch is known by coworkers and customers alike for his strong work ethic and caring response to customer calls.

Ecological Eating: New Discussion Group Begins

Ecological Eating: New

Discussion Group Begins

Menu for the Future is the title of a new discussion group at the Vineyard Haven Library. The group workshop is designed by the North West Earth Institute, the source of the previously successful library programs Choices for Sustainability and Voluntary Simplicity.

Spring Slips In

Spring Slips In

The English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote about “spring coming slowly up this way,” and his words hold clear meaning on the Vineyard in early April. Raw winds cut across the faces of passengers disembarking from Steamship Authority ferries in Vineyard Haven; horses seek shelter in pastures in Chilmark and West Tisbury; Main street in Edgartown, splashed with late-afternoon sunshine, can be filled with eerie silence.

Decision Time in Tisbury

Decision Time in Tisbury
