It was a cold raw weekend that did not feel like spring. It seemed warmer in January. The wind made it bone chilly cold. Red cardinals are forging around for food and not feeling very warm either. Trout fishing in the Mill Pond continues each day and should increase next week. If the weather warms up, we shall see our first prolonged visit by summer folks who will be coming down to open up their camps or houses for the summer.
Bob and Barbara Day of Willow Tree Hollow returned home last Friday after a month-long vacation. They stayed a few days in Santa Fe, N.M., visiting friends and then they traveled to Los Angeles for a three-week visit with their daughter Elizabeth, her husband John, and grandchildren Freddy and Bobby. They visited thenew BroadWing at the Los Angeles County Museum which is a wonderful permanent collectionof contemporary art. Barbara spent the weekend campaigning for the Mill Pond project.
Stephanie Brothers and her daughter Annabelle returned home last weekend from Walt Disney World, in Orlando, Fla. She reports that they had a wonderful time. She reports that Annabelle really enjoyed having breakfast in the castle with the princess. They plan on going back every year and visiting with relatives.
Warren and Marilyn Hollinshead of Pond View Farm returned home on Sunday after a brief vacation in Tucson, Ariz. She reports that the weather was fantastic, with temperatures in the 80s every day.
Lynne Christoffers of Edgartown Road returned home from a business trip to New York city. She is a professional photographer who has exhibited photos here. She enjoyed marching and taking pictures in the St. Patrick’s Day parade, meeting old friends and enjoying the city. She returned home in time to attend the annual town meeting and participate in the election.
Judy McCarthy over at the school reports that the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) testing is complete and everyone is looking forward to spring break that starts next Friday afternoon.
Nicole Alley and her husband, Arsen Hambardzumian, of Taunton, visited her parents last weekend. Arsen completed 10 septic inspection jobs in Vineyard Haven for the board of health on Sunday. Nicole had to leave on the 6 a.m. boat on Monday morning to get to her accounting job in Braintree. On that early morning trip she met Lynne Demond who had spent the weekend with her significant other, Steve Hart, of Old County Road. Nicole and Lynne had not seen each other in a few years and caught up on the social and family news on the way over to Woods Hole.
Sandra Polleys of Hemlock Farms, Pa., came down last Thursday for the day to visit family and friends. She is working on her health care access study and reports that she is has written about half of the first draft.
Henry and Louise Bessire of New York city, arrived last weekend to open their Edgartown Road home for the summer.
The annual town meeting was held on Tuesday night in the school gym. A total of 289 voters, representing a 13.4 per cent turnout, attended the opening session along with 22 non-voters. Moderator Pat Gregory conducted the session, which lasted more than three hours. It was the third time in 100 years the meeting lasted more than one night. Details are reported in this morning’s edition.
Town election warden Muriel Bye wants to thank the voters who participated in the annual election yesterday. Now that the election season will take a break until the September primary, she will devote her attention to her vegetable and flower garden.
Over at the senior center today, attorney Pat Mello, a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys will be available for half-hour consultations. She has held several workshops on estate and medical planning.
Chantale Legare of Elias Lane and the Parent Teachers Organization reports that tonight from 7 till 9 p.m. they are sponsoring a community dance with Johnny Hoy & the Bluefish over at the agricultural hall. There will be delicious desserts and beverages on hand. Proceeds will benefit the school kitchen renovation and courtyard projects. For more information on ticket prices, call her at 508-696-3007.
Cherrilla Brown reports that the sales of chances to win a handmade quilt and help Camp Safe Haven have been brisk. Cherrilla, her daughter Coco, Janet Belain and Rhonda Bacus worked to create a very untraditional patchwork quilt of blues and purples over the winter. You may buy a chance to winit for $1 at Alley’s Store. This is the second year they have done this. Last year they raised $1,250 and this year’s goal is $2,000.
Mary Lu Keep reports that Mendelssohn’s beautiful oratorio, Elijah, will be presented by the Island Community Chorus accompanied by an orchestra from Boston and guest soloists. The concert will take place Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School’s Performing Arts Center. A donation of $15 is suggested.
On April 24, 1973, Pat Jenkinson, co-owner of Up-Island Automotive along with Daniel Whiting, received severe burns to his body when sparks from a welding torch ignited a can of cleaning fluid which then exploded while he was at work in the garage. Police chief George Manter transported him to the hospital and Pat was immediately transferred to Massachusetts General Hospital for further treatment. It was learned that Pat would need blood transfusions and the West Tisbury Fire Department aided in arranging for a special visit of the Red Cross Bloodmobile. The Bloodmobile, with a collection capacity of 32 pints, was to be located on the school grounds for four hours. In less than a week, 35 people registered to donate blood.
Happy birthday to Sally Sherwood, Linsey Lee, Kristin Buck and Jim Leroux today; Antone Rezendes Sr., Carmen Wilson, John Hoff and Meghan Leonard tomorrow; Prudy Whiting, Sarah Neubert and Deborah Eggers on Sunday; Gina Leonardi, Kerry Elkin and Marion Ellis on Monday; Anne Bresnick, Jonathan Revere, Don Luce, Debbie Magnuson, Mike Post and Anne Bresnick on Tuesday; Janet Bank, Kimberly Angell and Linda Vadasz on Wednesday; and Ann Maley, Irene Fyler, Tom Wetherall and Maggie Schwartz on Thursday. Belated birthday wishes to Deborah and Caroline Mayhew.
Well, that is all of the social news for this edition. If you have any news you would like to share, please call or e-mail me. Have a great week.
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