Family Planning Clinic Finds a Home

A new home has been found for the Family Planning of Martha’s Vineyard clinic, which provides Islanders with reproductive health and family services on a sliding fee scale.

Earlier this month, the Friends of Family Planning, a community group which supports the clinic, purchased a condominium at 517 State Road Condominiums in Vineyard Haven. Renovations are under way and the clinic is expected to be operating in its new premises April 11.

Voters to Hear Pitch for New Ballpark Site

The applicant for a controversial proposal to expand the baseball facility at Veira Park has officially shifted its focus to a new site, adjacent to the Oak Bluffs wastewater plant, which might be expanded into a town-wide recreational facility with a playground and basketball courts as well as a pair of baseball diamonds.

Flying Horses to Open

Flying Horses to Open

The Flying Horses Carousel will open for its 133rd season on Saturday, March 22 and Sunday, March 23, from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. The Easter Bunny will be visiting on Sunday with treats for the kids. Catch a brass ring and win a free ride!

The carousel will also be open on weekends until school vacation week, and every day of that week, April 19 to 27.

Shellfish Report Foreshadows Strong Chilmark Scallop Season

The Chilmark shellfish industry can expect a bumper 2008 scallop season and a broader revitalization, given the early successes of its experimental shellfish propagation program launched last summer, town selectmen heard Tuesday.

The town’s shellfish propagation officer, Isaiah Scheffer, presented selectmen with a 34-page report of his work to date.

Mark Songini

Fireside Chat Tells Whaling Tales of Sailors Found, Money Lost

The whaling era is a Vineyard story. Martha’s Vineyard whaling captains and their crew traveled the globe. They went to New Zealand, to Japan, north into the frigid seas of the Arctic, and as far south as the ice-filled waters of Antarctica.

Dean’s List

Dean’s List

Westfield State College in Westfield recently named William Bishop and Jenna Zadeh of Edgartown to the dean’s list for the fall 2007 semester.

Squibnocket Walk

Squibnocket Walk

On Sunday, March 30 from 1 to 3 p.m., The Trustees of Reservations will sponsor a Squibnocket Point walk.

The walk will feature two miles of scenic shoreline and more than 140 acres of dunes and maritime habitat which have been protected by a conservation restriction. No dogs will be allowed. The walk is free to members of The Trustees of Reservations, and $15 for non-members.

Call for directions. Reservations are required, as space is limited. To register, please call 508-693-7662.

Neighborhood Convention

Neighborhood Convention

On Tuesday, April 1, the Neighborhood Convention will meet at 10:45 a.m. at the Good Shepherd Parish Center at the corner of School street and Pacific avenue, Oak Bluffs.

The Rev. Michael Nagle will conduct the worship service. Jane P. Hawkes will present the program, Vineyard Village at Home. Bring a bag lunch; dessert and beverages will be provided by the hosts. For more information, call Mary-Jean Miner at 508-696-8589.

Man Pleads Guilty to Trespass for Crashing Presidential Party

A former chief of staff for a U.S. senator who crashed a Chilmark fundraiser for then-Presidential candidate John Edwards in August pleaded guilty last Wednesday to two charges of trespass and a misdemeanor charge of breaking and entering and was sentenced to two years probation in Edgartown district court.

Habitat Seeks Applicants for Edgartown House

Habitat for Humanity of Martha’s Vineyard, in conjunction with the town of Edgartown, will be building a two-bedroom home in Edgartown beginning this summer. Habitat is seeking a qualified family to join in the building of the home.

An informational meeting will be held on the selection process Saturday, March 22 at 9 a.m. at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School, Room 501.

Application requirements for home-ownership will be outlined during the meeting and questions will be answered. The application forms will be available.
