A $1.5 million wastewater proposal for Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School hit the skids once again Monday night when the high school committee decided it was not ready to send the matter for vote at pending Island annual town meetings.
The proposal to link the high school with the Oak Bluffs wastewater plant still lacks a complete set of designs; written agreements from Oak Bluffs town and wastewater commission or potential financial backers; and permitting at the state level for construction.
With Easter on Sunday, all the lilies are out, as are the hyacinths, daffodils and pansies. The smell of the melody of aromas is such a reminder of Easters past. Then there are the chocolate bunnies, colored eggs and the Peeps. Somehow the baskets were not complete without them.
As you have noticed, the days are getting longer. We now have more than 12 hours of daylight each day and the thermometer climbed to nearly 42 degrees at noon on Saturday, though the wind made it seem much colder. Bea Whiting reports that she is now caring for newborn lambs over at her father’s house.
Last week I arrived home to a message on my machine from Tim Leland who has a house at Wasque — something about a bomb. Naturally, my interest was piqued, so I called him right back.
He told me he’d come down to his house on Thursday, done some yard work, eaten dinner and gone to bed about 9 p.m. Soon after, he said, there was an enormous explosion that shook the whole house, seemingly just outside his bedroom door.
Matilda Arrives
Tehya Annabelle Backus-Clement joins her parents, Jeannie Clement and Rod Backus of Vineyard Haven, in announcing the birth of her little sister, Matilda Adelai Backus-Clement, on March 11 at the Martha’s Vineyard Community Hospital. Matilda weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces at birth.
The Easter morning sunrise service will be conducted by Rev. Roger H. Spinney at 6 a.m. Sunday, March 23 at Community Baptist Church with organist Kathryn B. Stewart. Special music will be performed during the service. All are welcome to attend. Thank you to our friends at Chilmark Chocolates for their generous donation of jelly beans for the Easter service.
Chilmark is enduring March with some ease as every gray day is followed by a couple of stunning sunny days . . . all promising a green and leafy April, we hope. We know the farmers and gardeners welcome these rainy days, so we try to see the silver lining.
Sunday is Easter and the Chilmark Community Church will host the annual Easter egg search for children at the church at 10:30 a.m., followed by the worship service at 11 a.m.
On Tuesday, Ms. Parrot lost her chickens. That may sound like a title for a new children’s book, but it was very much a minor crisis in the domestic life of Margot Parrot who, along with her husband, Bob Osborne, will be opening the new store, Shibori, in the space that for years housed Island Music.
I’m going to blame it on Freud. The Father of Psychiatry convinced everyone to talk about sex and now no one can shut up. I am disgusted with the news coming from my Old Country, New York, about the former governor and, yes, the current governor. Being from the tri-state area, the antics of the former New Jersey governor and his wife also upset me.
Do you love horses and helping people? Rising Tide Therapeutic Equestrian Center is having a volunteer recruitment day. The center, based at Red Pony Farm in West Tisbury, needs help from anyone aged 16 or over in many areas: grooming and tacking up horses, barn cleaning, side-walking in lessons, pasture raking, public relations, and more.