Former School Secretary Gets Probation in Embezzling Case

A former secretary at the Oak Bluffs School was sentenced in Edgartown District Court to three years probation as part of a plea bargain on Friday. She admitted to embezzling more than $15,000 from a school account by forging the principal’s name on several checks and keeping the money.

The Hon. John Julian agreed to continue the case against Susan T. Peters, 60, of Oak Bluffs, for three years on the condition that she perform 100 hours of community service, pay related court fees and comply with the terms of her probation.

County Names Finalists for Manager

For the second time in five months, the Dukes County commission has named finalists in the ongoing search for county manager. They are F. Tenney Lantz of South Dartmouth and Russell H. Smith of Aquinnah.

After ticking off minor business items in a meeting Thursday afternoon, the commission went into executive session to discuss applicants for county manager.

Hy-Line, Pied Piper Ask SSA Permission to Cut Back Ferry Service to Vineyard

The options for getting to the Vineyard, particularly at times other than the summer high season, continue to diminish.

Following the recent cutbacks in off-season high-speed services to the Island from New Bedford by the New England Fast Ferry, two more boat lines have flagged their intention to reduce the number of runs they do to the Island.

Hy-Line Cruises has notified the Steamship Authority, which licenses ferry service to the Island, that it intends to shorten by two months its operating season between the Vineyard and Hyannis.


Through Scope of Gun: Soldier Tells Israeli Checkpoint Stories

Oded Na’Aman, a bespectacled 26-year-old in a brown corduroy blazer with the collar turned up towards a dark brown quiff, is telling an audience at Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Centre about scaring people half to death.

“I told bad jokes and good jokes and they laughed just the same,” he says, “or they stood there shivering. Sometimes they would spontaneously apologize, just because they thought I might be displeased about something.”


It’s Not Over Until the Fat’s Out of Fridge

I got caught. There was no way to refute the evidence.

It was all in a blood test.

I have high cholesterol, and my doctor was the first to know it.

But the evidence wasn’t just in the writing. There were the cookie crumbs on my kitchen floor. There was a large jar of mayonnaise in my refrigerator. Next to it was some creamy salad dressing.

And there were smudges of dried food in my Betty Crocker Cookbook on pages describing how to make tasty beef gravy.

Oyster Drags Stolen from Chilmark Boats

Chilmark police are investigating a series of thefts from several fishing boats earlier this month in which oyster drags were stolen from vessels anchored at Tisbury Great Pond.

Police were alerted to the thefts on March 4 after three Chilmark fishermen called to report that fishing equipment had been stolen from their boats. Officer Jeff Day responded to the Menemsha Texaco station, where he met with John Larsen, Stephen Larsen and John Armstrong.













When I went across to town early on Sunday morning, there was barely enough water in the Chappaquiddick slip to float the ferry. Captain Bob attributed the low tide to a combination of the new moon and the high pressure of that bright sunny day. I didn’t know this, but high pressure tends to depress the water, while the low pressure, say, of a storm causes the tide to rise higher, in conjunction with the wind direction.





Our weather is so typical for this time of year. We get a warm day and think this is it, we might be over the worst. Then the next day it snows. However, if it wasn’t this way, what would we have to talk about?

Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Kya Maloney who celebrated on March 8, Phillip Jordan and Ava Thors who celebrated on March 11, Caroline Gazaille on March 13, and to Brenda DeOliveira who celebrates her day on March 15.
