When cruise ships arrive off Oak Bluffs in late summer, passengers interested in taking a sightseeing tour of the Vineyard are directed to one bus company, Island Transport Inc. and offered the opportunity to buy their sightseeing tickets while still on board.
As the passengers arrive onshore, they board Island Transport buses and are taken on a tour of the Vineyard which includes stops at Gay Head Cliffs in Aquinnah and downtown Edgartown.
Temperature: Precip.
Day Max. Min. Inches.
Fº Fº
Feb. 1 38 26 .00
Feb. 2 52 36 .97
Feb. 3 48 26 .00
Feb. 4 46 29 .00
Feb. 5 45 36 .00
Feb. 6 48 41 .17
Feb. 7 56 36 .12
Water temperature in Edgartown harbor: 42º F.
High School Dinner
The Island Grown Initiative, together with chef Dan Sauer from the Outermost Inn, is working with Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School’s Culinary Arts Department program director Jack O’Malley and his students to host a winter local food dinner.
The dinner is set for Monday, Feb. 11 at 6 p.m. at the culinary arts dining room at the high school.
Aggrieved West Tisbury taxpayers will meet this Sunday, Feb. 10 at 4 p.m. at the Howes House to review research on appraisal techniques and to prepare for a meeting next Tuesday with the town’s outside real estate appraisal company.
The town assessors have invited Vision Appraisal Technology to meet with taxpayers at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 12 in the basement of the Howes House, which is across from Alley’s General Store, to discuss the company’s appraisal methodology.
A packed audience breathed a collective sigh of relief Tuesday as Chilmark selectmen voted 2-1 to grant a one-time extension to town residents who this year missed the deadline to renew their application for a town mooring or slip.
After much debate, selectmen Warren Doty and Frank Fenner voted to extend until Feb. 15 the deadline to renew. The application was due by noon on Jan. 15. The extension also applies to those on wait lists for the coveted spots.
Selectman J.B. Riggs Parker cast the sole dissenting vote.
School Committee Schedules
Interviews for Principal
The final four candidates for the position of principal of Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School will visit the school on Friday, Feb. 15 and Tuesday, Feb. 19.
Two candidates will visit each day. The visits will culminate in interviews before members of the school committee.
The committee will interview Stephen Nixon at 4 p.m. and Stephen Collins at 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 15, and Eileen Coppola at 4 p.m. and Arthur Arpin at 5:30 p.m. Feb. 19.
A story in last week’s Gazette about a traffic fatality inaccurately described the collision impact between a car driven by Brandy Marie Gibson and a van driven by Francellyo C. Dias. The vehicle driven by Ms. Gibson, who died in the crash, struck the van driven by Mr. Francellyo. Also, due to incorrect information contained in the police press release, the story reported inaccurately on the direction Ms. Gisbon was traveling at the time of the accident. She was traveling east toward Edgartown. The Gazette regrets the errors.
A Vineyard Haven man was arrested last week on charges of forcible rape and indecent assault and battery after he allegedly assaulted a woman at his home on Daggett avenue after she gave him a ride home from a party.
Walas Rodrigues, 25, was arraigned in Edgartown district court on Monday on two charges of forcible rape, one count of indecent assault and battery on a person 14 years or older and one count of assault and battery.
Oak Bluffs police last Friday arrested a 33-year-old native of Ireland after he reportedly stole a laptop computer and cash on separate occasions from a man who had hired him to paint his home.
Gerard McSteen, also known as Jerrod McSteen, was apprehended by Falmouth police as he disembarked from the ferry in Woods Hole before being turned over to the Oak Bluffs police.