Find Family Tree Online
Interested in learning more about your family’s genealogy? At the Oak Bluffs Public Library you now can search Ancestry Library Edition, a popular tool for online genealogical research. If you need help using this new resource appointments may be made to sit with a librarian for a 30-minute consultation. To learn more, call 508-693-9433.
Island Plan Workshop Will
Examine Social Environment
The Island Plan launches its social environment work group with a workshop on Wednesday, Jan. 23 at 7 p.m. at the Oak Bluffs senior center.
The work group will look at the human aspects of the Island, such as the characteristics of the population and community, social, health, educational and recreational services and culture.
Venus and Jupiter, the two brightest planets in our night sky, are getting closer together. Venus for many weeks has been alone low in the eastern sky before sunrise. It is an impressive “morning star” and easy to find. Already, another planet has arrived on the scene.
People expect January to be a cold, dark month with nothing much happening, but the month is not living up to its reputation. The days are starting to be noticeably longer, and the sun feels warmer already when it shows up, which hasn’t been often. No doubt winter still will arrive, but last week was so warm I finished up the outdoor painting I began in November.
Dean’s List
Samantha Rabin, daughter of Karen Bressler and Steven Rabin of Turkeyland Cove Road in Edgartown, has been named to the dean’s list at Hamilton College for the 2007 fall semester.
Ms. Rabin, a first-year student at Hamilton, is a graduate of Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School.
Announcing Júlia
Angelica Moreira and Laudinei Prata Vilaça of Edgartown announce the birth of a daughter, Júlia Bonjour Prata Vilaça, born on Jan. 7 at the Martha’s Vineyard Community Hospital. Júlia weighed 7 pounds, 4.4 ounces at birth.
If I were writing a children’s book about this week in my life, it would be called, Fun! Fun! Fun! Bills! Bills! Bills!
There’s been a lot of stuff on National Public Radio lately about hidden fees in our invoices, and I decided to go on a crusade and find out Where’s Waldo in my bills, Waldo being each and every suspicious charge. I began with the phone company, Verizon.
Garden Scholarships
The Nauset Garden Club will award two $3,000 scholarships to residents of Cape Cod or the Islands for the 2008-09 academic year.
The students should be entering their junior or senior year of college during the 2008-09 academic year, majoring in landscape design, horticulture, environmental, marine or a related science, or be enrolled in a graduate program majoring in the same studies.
We send condolences across the Vineyard to all who enjoyed the company of Bob Morgan of Edgartown, who died earlier this month. All who knew him appreciated his enthusiasm and love for his family, his Island home and his country. He will surely be missed by many of us.
Agricultural Society Invites
Farm Grant Applications
The Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society has issued a call for applicants for its annual grant program. Eligible are all farm-related individuals or organizations whose goal is to improve the quality of life and contribute to the sustainability of the Vineyard agricultural community.