We send condolences across the Vineyard to all who enjoyed the company of Bob Morgan of Edgartown, who died earlier this month. All who knew him appreciated his enthusiasm and love for his family, his Island home and his country. He will surely be missed by many of us.
We also send condolences to the extended family of Lloyd Mayhew who died in Melbourne, Fla., this month. He grew up in Chilmark, the son of Walter and Doris Mayhew, in the house that stood where the Chilmark School is now. He was predeceased by his brothers Elliot and Paul and his sisters Gail, Ella and Marian. His many friends in Chilmark will miss him.
We were sorry to hear that Eleanor Pearlson suffered a fall recently that required some hospitalization. We hope she will be out and about soon.
Best wishes to Marcy Slater who had an unfortunate auto accident on Tabor House Road on Jan. 8. She was uninjured but trapped in her car and when she found her cell phone worked, she called 911 for help. She estimated that more than fifty people responded to calls for fire and emergency crews. She and Bruce want to thank all who came to help: firefighters, police, emergency medical technicians and ambulance workers. She also thanks the efficient and friendly emergency room staff at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital.
Warren Doty sends out the word to all registered Democrats in Chilmark to attend a town caucus at the community center on Feb. 2 at 10 a.m. The caucus is to choose delegates for the party convention. Plans will also be made for the primary voting day on Feb. 5 at the community center.
Remember the evening events going on in Chilmark. On Tuesday evenings from 5 to 6, the Chilmark Community Church offers a soup, salad and dessert supper to all who wish to attend. On Thursday evenings from 7 to 10, Frank LoRusso hosts Cribbage Night at the Cornerway. Everyone is welcome to come and play or watch the fun.
The Chilmark library will host a visit from Corduroy, a character from a popular children’s book. Corduroy will visit the library on Saturday, Jan. 26, arriving at 10:30 a.m. Kristin Maloney, Chilmark’s children’s librarian, reminds parents of very young children that these characters from fiction are at least adult size and sometimes a bit bigger, so please prepare your little one for the meeting!
Karen Ogden will offer a program on effective canine communication on Wednesday, Jan. 23 at the library at 5:30 p.m. The one-hour program is sponsored by the Friends of the Library and open to all. Karen is a well-known dog trainer and is head of the Dukes County K9 Search and Rescue Team.
The United Methodist Cooperative Ministry is hosting a Walloping Good Waffles treat to be held today, Friday, Jan. 18 at the Christ United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall in Vineyard Haven. The pastors and their spouses will be cooking homemade waffles with assorted toppings from 5 to 7 p.m. Free-will offerings will be a 100 per cent donation to the effort to rebuild homes in the New Orleans area. Three volunteers from the Vineyard will travel there to work next week.
Remember the flea market at the community center on Saturday, Jan. 19 beginning at 9:30 a.m.
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