Looking for something a bit different? Well, in a quiet way. Next time you’re off-Island with nowhere particularly to go you might try Hopedale. It’s a small town in the Mill River Valley near Milford. In fact it was once part of Milford, but had a very special history beginning around 1840.
Hard Work, Simple Pleasures
From the Vineyard Gazette editions of January, 1975:
Renewal, the theme of a new year, has turned Islanders to the past to rediscover some of the old-time values and joys for 1975. Reactions here to the recession nationwide resemble lessons from Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Self Reliance — above all the individual is asked what he can do for himself.
The celebration of the New Year is the oldest of all holidays. It was first observed in ancient Babylon about 4,000 years ago when the new year began with the first new moon after the vernal equinox, which we know today to be the first day of spring. At that time it was thought that the planting of new crops was a logical time to start a new year.
Greetings from the sophomores and best wishes for 2008 to all our readers.
For this special issue, students reflected on the world that they are living in, and their own personal aspirations for the new year. Our young people feel strongly about the state of the world, our overuse of its resources, world peace, fear and the war in Iraq. They hope for a better world. Let’s hope and pray that the world does not disappoint them.
— Elaine Cawley Weintraub,
Sophomores Speak Out, advisor.
My New Year’s Resolution
VINEYARD BIRDS II: Where and What to See on Martha’s Vineyard. By Susan B. Whiting and Barbara B. Pesch. Vineyard Stories, Edgartown, Mass. 2007. 152 pages, photographs and illustration. $19.95, softcover.
Streetlights glimmering overhead, breath conjuring clouds in the chilly air, I spring after the guy lugging a strung-up stack of newspapers into the hotel, wondering if my scrawny arms could lift the day’s news. It’s quarter to six in the morning, heading to the gym.
The egg, despite its bad rap for cholesterol, is a symbol of wholeness. It also is one of only a few so-called “complete” foods. Some nutritionists call it a perfect food, because it has the highest protein content of any one food and it kicks in a large part of your recommended daily intake of other vitamins and minerals such as iodine and riboflavin as well. In nature, the egg is second in nutritional value only to mother’s milk. Plus, there are fewer 100 calories in an egg.
Temperature: Precip.
Day Max. Min. Inches.
Fº Fº
Dec. 28 40 34 .04
Dec. 29 48 30 .19
Dec. 30 53 29 .00
Dec. 31 40 30 .40
Jan. 1 43 25 .00
Jan. 2 47 32 .28
Jan. 3 39 11 .00
Water temperature in Edgartown harbor: 40º F.
What was supposed to be a nice matinee match-up between two high school basketball teams turned into an all-out war on Saturday, as the Vineyard and Wayland waged battle for four periods and three overtimes in arguably one of the best games ever played at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School.
After nearly three hours of play, countless lead changes and more twists than a Russian novel, the Warriors finally prevailed over the Vineyarders by a final of 66-63 to send the packed crowd home disappointed but undoubtedly entertained.
The United Methodist Cooperative Ministry will hold a combined worship service designed and led by pastors and youth on Sunday, Dec. 30 at 11 a.m. at the Edgartown United Methodist Church (the Old Whaling Church.) Fellowship time will follow in the Baylies Room. All are welcome.