I would like to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to the incredible community that rallied around me when my boat, Wyknott, sank at the dock in Menemsha.
Stig Leschly purchased Oxcart Road in Aquinnah from Thomas C. Chase Trust and Ox Cart Road Nominee Trust for $100,000 on Oct.15.
The following cases were heard in Edgartown district court.
When our mother found 108 Center street in 1980 it reminded her of where she grew up, a quintessential New England village in rural Rhode Island.
When I was a child we would occasionally take up-Island excursions to Menemsha or Gay Head. En route, there would often be a stopover at Indian Hill.
High stone walls, some lengths standing taller than a very tall man’s shoulder, enclose the ancient meadow.
Trick or treat! Halloween is next Thursday, and on Martha’s Vineyard events large and small are planned around the Island for kids and adults alike.
Oak Bluffs voters will be asked to take action on some $1 million in spending requests at a special town meeting Tuesday, including one to correct a loss from a cyber scam this past August.
Julian Cyr is in a three-way race with Barnstable Republican Christopher Lauzon and Joe Van Nes, an unenrolled dark horse candidate from West Tisbury.