Oak Bluffs




It’s good to be back.

I’ve been asked to fill in the column to give Holly Nadler a three-week respite to catch her breath out in (fill in the blank: sunny, muddy, windy, fiery) California.

Vineyard Haven




Some of you have called to tell me your e-mails to me are bouncing back. The reason seems to be that you are omitting the second “v” — my address is short for Vineyard Haven, Vineyard Gazette! Don’t forget that second “v” — it’s been a very slow news week.

Dean’s List

Dean’s List

Stonehill College in Easton recently named Michelle Alton of Edgartown, a member of the class of 2011, to the dean’s list for the fall 2007 semester.

Museum Extends Hours

The Martha’s Vineyard Museum is extending its hours of operation this winter.

The museum will be open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and the Gale Huntington Research Library will be open Wednesday through Saturday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and by appointment.

Winter admission is $6 for adults, $5 for seniors, and $4 for children 6 to 12.

West Tisbury




The winter so far has exhibited wild fluctuations of temperature. Monday’s 56 degrees tied the record on that date for the all-time high. Snowfall has been below average since late December.

Town Hall Project May Cost $5 Million

West Tisbury voters will be asked at the annual town meeting on April 10 to spend in the neighborhood of $5 million to renovate the historic town hall.

Beatrice Phear, chairman of the town hall renovation committee, said voters will have firm estimates for the project to consider at town meeting. Specifications are currently being priced by architects Keenan and Kenny of Falmouth and are expected to fall between $4.7 and $5.2 million, Mrs. Phear said.

Receives Degree

Receives Degree

Felicia Cheney of Edgartown received a master of science degree in library science during commencement ceremonies at the Clarion University of Pennsylvania on Dec. 15.





Tribal toddlers, children and adults are invited to participate in traditional singing at the tribal building on Thursday evenings starting at 6:30 p.m. For more information, please call Woody Vanderhoop at 508-645-9265, extension 116.

Sandy and Peter Gulbrandsen were at their Lobsterville Road home over the holiday weekend to continue putting the finishing touches on their new home.





The past few sunny and sometimes warm days have encouraged some daffodils in the right locations to start coming up . . . a cheery sight for us winter-weary folk. As I watch the weather reports from across the country and see the awful storms, however, I can’t help but count our blessings. Let’s hope the daffodils know something we don’t and that spring is nearby.

Dean’s List

Dean’s List

Two Vineyard students have been named to the dean’s list at Northeastern University for the fall 2007 semester. They are Kimberly Carter of Edgartown and Amanda L. Murphy of Vineyard Haven. Both are majoring in health science.
