The past few sunny and sometimes warm days have encouraged some daffodils in the right locations to start coming up . . . a cheery sight for us winter-weary folk. As I watch the weather reports from across the country and see the awful storms, however, I can’t help but count our blessings. Let’s hope the daffodils know something we don’t and that spring is nearby.
A large number of the family and friends of Bob Flanders gathered last Saturday at the community center to remember his life and share their memories. His burial service was at the Abel’s Hill cemetery and the firefighters of the Island and the veterans of World War II turned out to honor him.
Clarissa Allen is back at the Allen Farm after an enjoyable visit to Palm Beach with her friend, Laura Freeman of Kentucky. They visited with Laura’s parents.
We send condolences to the family and friends of Irwin J. Askow who died in Evanston, Ill., on Feb. 16. Irwin was the father of Cathy Thompson and Daniel Askow. He was married to the late Ester Kuh for 35 years and during those days spent many summers in Chilmark. For many summers since, he has enjoyed revisiting his favorite Chilmark places whenever health and time allowed. His health allowed him to be active in his law practice until recently. His long association with the American Civil Liberties Union and his friendship with Roger Baldwin were more of his Chilmark ties. His daughter Cathy was the director of the Chilmark Library for many years and is now the director of the public library in Lake Bluffs, Ill. Irwin had many Chilmark friends who will miss his visits. Cathy’s address is 700 Oakwood avenue, Lake Forest IL 60045.
A special town meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Monday, March 3 at the community center. Please mark your calendars and try to attend. Town business is always worth the effort of getting out, even on winter evenings.
Chilmark friends of Florence Flanders will be interested to know that she is now residing in Windemere. She will enjoy visits from her friends.
Arne and Helen de Keijzer are at their Larsen Lane home for a winter visit.
Jeff Bezanson is in town this week working on his rental homes.
Tomorrow, Saturday, Feb. 23 is the date of the 2008 Crossword Puzzle and Sudoku Challenge at the Chilmark library. The contest begins at 2 p.m. and there are contests for adults and children. Admission is free.
The Chilmark library program for Wednesday, Feb. 27, will be a bread-making workshop, Bread Making 101, presented by pastry chef Kate Rickard, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Kate and her husband, Gates Rickard, are the owners of the Rickard Bread Co. with products available at Cronig’s markets.
If you are ready to get out and enjoy a midwinter dress-up night, the Martha’s Vineyard Film Society is offering us an Oscar Night Benefit with dinner and a chance to see the Oscar awards on a large projection screen. Call 508-693-6600 for reservations and details.
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