On Cuttyhunk, Sight of Godspeed Brings Joy

On Cuttyhunk, Sight of Godspeed Brings Joy

Gazette Senior Writer

CUTTYHUNK - Late Monday afternoon, Cuttyhunk residents were
sitting around, a popular Island pursuit, when they spied the sails of a
1600s sailing vessel nearing Penikese.

It was the Godspeed!

Residents raced down to the harbor for their boats in
unCuttyhunk-like haste.

Feast of Holy Ghost Celebration Begins Saturday in Oak Bluffs

Two days of celebration begin tomorrow with the arrival of the
annual Portuguese-American Feast of the Holy Ghost, one of the
Island's most revered and riotous rituals.

The event serves as a touchstone for many Islanders of Portuguese
descent, and is an example of Vineyarders' capacity to celebrate
their heritage, gorge themselves silly and party like there's no
tomorrow - all during the same two-day event.

Land Purchase Links Preserves

Land Purchase Links Preserves

Land Bank Buys Hilltop Property in Chilmark for $7 Million; Trail
Easements to Connect Two Large Sanctuaries


In a strategic acquisition that will connect a vast network of
public trails in Chilmark, the Martha's Vineyard Land Bank this
week announced the purchase of 21 acres of hilltop land that offers
sweeping views of the south shore.

Field of Candidates Narrows to Three for Town Police Chief

A Field of Candidates Narrows to Three for Town Police Chief


A veteran patrolman of the Tisbury police department and two
off-Island officers are among the finalists for police chief in Tisbury.

State Appellate Tax Board Sees Shake-Up at the Top

State Appellate Tax Board Sees Shake-Up at the Top


Gov. Mitt Romney in an unprecedented shake-up this week nominated two
new members to the Massachusetts Appellate Tax Board, including a
replacement for the embattled chairman who presided over William W.
Graham's high-profile property tax case against West Tisbury

State Appellate Tax Board Sees Shake-Up at the Top

State Appellate Tax Board Sees Shake-Up at the Top


Gov. Mitt Romney in an unprecedented shake-up this week nominated two
new members to the Massachusetts Appellate Tax Board, including a
replacement for the embattled chairman who presided over William W.
Graham's high-profile property tax case against West Tisbury

Counsel Probes Water District

Counsel Probes Water District

Vineyard Haven Town Attorney Finds Independent Practices of Tisbury Water Company Are Outside the Law


The Tisbury water department, which historically has functioned as
an independent entity with separate bank accounts and its own treasurer,
has no legal authority to conduct many of these independent practices, a
town attorney has found.

Seasonal Home Rentals Sap Vineyard Economy

When you hand control of your life over to multiple bureaucracies you better be careful what you wish for. Consider that the Martha’s Vineyard Commission, after 30 years in power, has left in its wake an Island that continues to lose year-round residents due to the lack of affordable housing and the high cost of living. Consider also the economics of the fact that 300 to 400 people come to work here from the mainland every day since they can’t afford to live here. These people help to provide the workforce to build and maintain multi-million dollar summer estates all over the Island.

Selectmen Appoint Town Administrator

Fomer Board Member Michael Dutton Is Hired to Post After Other
Finalist Pulls Name from Consideration

Only hours after learning that one of the two remaining candidates
had withdrawn his name from consideration, the Oak Bluffs selectmen
yesterday voted to hire former selectman Michael Dutton as the new town

Mr. Dutton will replace Casey Sharpe. who resigned abruptly last
month and ends her tenure with the town this week.

Town, Tribe Collaborate on Kids Summer Camp

Sitting in a circle on the floor of tribal headquarters in Aquinnah yesterday, roughly 20 town children were talking about the history of whaling when the conversation quickly turned to how excited they were about playing on a slide and possibly going swimming later in the afternoon.

Officials from both the town and Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) are equally excited about the collaborative children summer program, which opened yesterday morning.
