Island Visitor Dies in Moped Accident

A woman visitor driving a moped down a straight stretch of the
Edgartown-West Tisbury Road in West Tisbury on Sunday was killed after
she reportedly lost control of the two-wheeled vehicle and struck a
utility pole head-on.

MVC Approves High-End Club

Three Dissenting Commissioners Speak Out About Class Divide; Others
Agree, But Vote Yes on Edgartown Field Club

Despite bluntly expressed concerns about the changing character of
the Island and a widening economic divide among its residents, the
Martha's Vineyard Commission last week approved an upscale
members-only recreational facility proposed for Katama.

Sea Scalloper Runs Aground Near Wasque

High seas and gusting winds over the weekend prevented the safe
removal of a 71-foot fishing boat that washed onto Norton Point Beach
Saturday morning.

Hospital Campaign on Home Stretch

Largest Fund-Raiser in Island History Set to End in Three More
Months; $10 Million Still Must be Raised

Gazette Senior Writer

As summer moves into high gear on the Island, the Martha\'s
Vineyard Hospital will launch the final push to raise the rest of the
money for the construction of a new building.

Hosptial Campaign on Home Stretch

Hospital Campaign on Home Stretch

Largest Fund-Raiser in Island History Set to End in Three More
Months; $10 Million Still Must be Raised

Gazette Senior Writer

As summer moves into high gear on the Island, the Martha's
Vineyard Hospital will launch the final push to raise the rest of the
money for the construction of a new building.

Rockets Red Glare: Fourth of July Arrives

Signs of the times are everywhere.

Chilmark Beaches Closed Temporarily to Swimming

Chilmark town beaches Lucy Vincent and Squibnocket remain closed to
swimming after droves of Portuguese man-of-war began washing up on the
southern shore of the Island Monday, stinging five swimmers within
minutes at Lucy Vincent. Two of the swimmers were hospitalized and
released for wounds from the jellyfish-like creatures.

This Little Piggy Was Fractured: Orthopedist Documents Malady

Island residents and visitors have been warned about the high
prevalence of tick-borne diseases and skin cancer on the Vineyard. But
meanwhile, another medical malady has been quietly eating away at the
health of the Island population.

For reasons that still remain unclear, people on Martha's
Vineyard suffer from fractures of the fifth metatarsal - the small
bone that runs along the outer edge of the foot - in unprecedented

Hospital Campaign on Home Stretch

Largest Fund-Raiser in Island History Set to End in Three More
Months; $10 Million Still Must be Raised

Gazette Senior Writer

As summer moves into high gear on the Island, the Martha\\\'s
Vineyard Hospital will launch the final push to raise the rest of the
money for the construction of a new building.

Repertory Theatre: Robert Brustein Stages His work on the Vineyard

Robert Brustein loves a good fight. His production of Samuel
Beckett's Endgame so enraged the Irish Nobel laureate, he demanded
it be shut down; Mr. Brustein refused, but allowed the playwright a
program note informing audiences they should be disgusted.

Then there was the New York town hall run-in with African-American
Pulitzer winner August Wilson, who called Mr. Brustein "a sniper,
a naysayer and a cultural imperialist."
