In the Studio

Following the Unconscious Through Darkness and Light

The words are on the page, but for Jennifer Joanou that is just the first step. In fact, by the time her creative process is done the words may no longer be visible.

Following the Trail of Intuition Keeps Creative Freedom Fresh

On Tuesday, Island painter and Rhode Island School of Design student Jack Yuen set up an 18-by-24 inch canvas on the deck of Bad Martha’s Brewery in Edgartown.

Artist Behind the Blow Torch Burns Just as Brightly

In a cloud of smoke and shower of blue sparks, Island sculptor Jay Lagemann blasts the stainless steel braids of his newest humanoid creation with a blowtorch registering over 3,000 degrees.

Pasting, Pressing, Cutting; Book Binding Leaves a Tactile Trail

On any given afternoon, one of three sounds can be heard coming from Mitzi Pratt’s Aquinnah bookbinding studio: the dull squeak of a 19th century press, sheers clipping through paper, or the piercing bang of a weighty backing hammer.

Giving Trees a Second Life, One Wooden Bowl at a Time

Inside of a shipping container studio on Chappaquiddick, artist Zach Pinerio stands surrounded by shelves of bowl blanks.

Making Art With Ancestral Meaning

The creation of wampum jewelry is a multi-layered process. For Jason Widdiss the labor begins at Menemsha Pond.

Staying Attuned to Happy Accidents Is Part of the Art

Making a piece of pottery is an arduous process. But that doesn’t slow Candy Shweder down.

Found Objects Help Art Take Flight

Abe Pieciak’s latest work in progress sits on a table in the middle of his Aquinnah studio.