Letters to the editor

Right and Wrong

St Andrew's Church, in collaboration with Island clergy, sponsored an event to support volunteers and responders who assisted the Venezuelan migrants.

Lack of Trust

In the spring of 2009 my wife, Molly, and I purchased what was then known as Rainbow Farm in Chilmark from David Douglas.

As the Crow Flies

David Lott's article entitled A Squirrel Named Willie in last week's Vineyard Gazette brought me such joyful memories of my own unusual childhood companion.

Master Plan for Edgartown

It is high time that Edgartown goes full speed ahead on making major improvements.

Dereliction of Duty

I am not familiar with another instance when so many people, determined to pursue a bad idea, have been given — and ignored — so many opportunities to reconsider their actions.

Safe and Sound

On Monday, May 9, my 97-year-old mother's house in Tisbury burned down. No one was hurt, thank God.

Trustees Have Lost Their Way

I am writing in response to your article which appeared in the Vineyard Gazette on May 2, under the somewhat misleading heading of "Lawsuit Seeks to Block OSV Use at Cape Pogue."

Time to Come Together

Our responsibility as educators is to best support our Island children. I feel the MVRHS track and fields project was a proposal that would do just that.

Senseless Destruction

I live at 68 Eastville avenue. If you are on Island, you have seen the senseless destruction from the corner of County avenue to the drawbridge.

Triumphant Return

Hurray! The heartbeat of the Martha’s Vineyard Playhouse pounds loudly and triumphantly again.
