Whine-in at the Weigh-in, Ted Collins Goes Kayak Fishing

There are two things fishermen like to complain about: the lack of fish and the weather. There has certainly been plenty of complaining going on inside and outside the derby weigh station at the foot of Main street in Edgartown.

The fish are out there but they are not available to all anglers.

Lev Wlodyka Leads By a Sliver

There is a new boat leader in the Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby: Lev C. Wlodyka came in with a 46.82-pound striped bass he had caught earlier in the day.

There was drama at the weigh station, according to the officials. It wasn’t just Mr. Wlodyka’s fish that drew the crowds — it was the drama of two other fishermen showing up with theirs at the same time.

Tell Your Story: Susan Klein Offers Memoir Workshop

The Spice of Life, a memoir organization and writing course taught by Susan Klein, will once more be hosted by the Tisbury Senior Center this fall. The class has been enormously popular; 60 Islanders already have completed the eight-week workshop.

Would-be memoirists interested in working on their life stories for their own pleasure, as a legacy to family and friends, or for publication should call Susan Klein at 508-693-4140 as soon as possible to reserve a slot.


Hockney, Van Gogh, Meet Marcia Smilack

There are landmarks in an artist’s career. First there’s the initial sale of a piece of work. Then comes inclusion in a group show and, with any luck (and, of course, talent), the solo show. But the crowning glory arrives — often, alas, posthumously — when the artist’s work is presented in the hallowed halls of a museum.

Adult Education Classes Begin in October

The Adult and Community Education Program of the Vineyard is announcing fall classes and seminars. Classes begin Tuesday, Oct. 21 and run for five weeks on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights at the high school until Dec. 4.

In partnership with the Island public schools, the program is dedicated to offering classes that bridge generations and cultures to improve the quality of life for all members of our community.

Library Airs Debate

Library Airs Debate

On Thursday, Oct. 2 at 9 p.m. the Vineyard Haven library will be showing the Vice Presidential debate. Broadcast from Washington University in St. Louis with moderator Gwen Ifill, the debate will cover both foreign and domestic policy questions to Democratic nominee Sen. Joseph Biden and Republican nominee Gov. Sarah Palin.


Remembering a Cape Air Pilot

What follows are a collection of reader comments posted on the Gazette Web site following the Friday night plane crash that killed Capt. David D. Willey.

My heart aches for Dave’s wonderful wife and children. Dave was a wonderful human being and will be terribly missed by many.

Deborah Mayhew

West Tisbury

Letters to the Editor


Editors, Vineyard Gazette:

I’m sitting in my room on this Friday night relaxing, listening to the rain outside. Next thing I know, I hear a sound of a loud revving engine right next to my house, possibly over it. Following the revving sound was a huge bang. I knew for sure that something had just crashed.

My roommate came running out of her room to tell me that a plane had just missed our house!

Which Free Market Did You Mean?

The current financial crisis reminds me of a discussion I had recently with a conservative friend of mine. We’ll call him Harry. Harry believes that the free market is a serene clean money machine that benefits everyone — unless you mess with it — in which case it coughs and sputters and is likely to give money to the poor and starving and huddling masses, those folks who did not earn it but rather just sat around drinking beer and smoking dope and waiting for welfare to come their way.

Tuesdays Will be Different

Tuesdays Will be Different

The fall equinox arrived last week; today September ends. The weather has been changeable with buckets of rain and intermittent sun. The warmth of summer lingers. Tropical storms from the south have brushed across the Island with their remnants, bringing heavy seas and plenty of seaweed to put on the garden for next year.
