
City Sites Under Gallery Lights at PikNik Show

Minutes away from the main retail drag of Circuit avenue, in the arts district of Oak Bluffs, reads a sign: “PikNik: Art & Apparel. Expect anything.” The “expect anything” line encourages visions of Marcel Duchamp’s Fountain or other more radical, conceptual art pieces. In fact, PikNik is currently showing an abstract exhibit, which seems to fit “expect anything” expectations.

Notes from Nethers

How Daughters See Mothers, at Start and Finish

Is there any relationship more complicated and, when it works, more rewarding, than the mother-daughter bond? Two authors with strong Vineyard ties have approached this essential kinship from both sides, from the formative years, and during the final years.


Vineyard Verse Master D.A.W. Turns Grout to Good; Hewett Draws Laughs

Seriously, what could be a funnier title than Robert Frost’s Answering Machine? by Daniel Waters (Indian Hill Press, $15). The West Tisbury wit-man, known far and wide as D.A.W., has been posting his quatrains in The Vineyard Gazette, Yankee Magazine, and on N.P.R. When we hear his doleful voice – Disney could cast him as Eeyore in the Winnnie the Pooh cartoons — reading his own hilarious, too-true verbal apecues on the air, we pat down our desks for a pen so we can share the ditty with friends.

Like this one entitled Cricket


Temperature: Precip.

Day Max. Min. Inches.

Fº Fº

August 1 81 68

August 2 85 67

August 3 85 67 .09

August 4 83 63 T

August 5 82 67

August 6 77 60

August 7 71 62 .28

Water temperature in Edgartown harbor: 75º F.


Summer Guide to Fine Art Galleries

Alison Shaw Gallery Fine are photography of Alison Shaw. Open Wednesday through Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m., or by appointment at 88 Dukes County avenue, Oak Bluffs, tel. 508-696-7429 or alisonshaw.com.

Current exhibit: Blue opens Saturday, August 9, with artist’s reception from 4 to 7 p.m. as part of Dukes County Avenue Arts District stroll. Continues through August 22.

solar sail

Wind in His Sails, Robert Swan Champions a Greener World

Jacques Cousteau’s advice to his protégé Robert Swan was simple: If you’re going to inspire people to change their ways, you’re going to need a story.

And though it didn’t prove easy for the British polar explorer and motivational speaker, Mr. Swan took the words to heart, making his life the anecdote in an argument for renewable energy.

bride and groom

McClain Howarth Weds Bridger McGaw

On June 23, 2007, McClain Livingston Howarth became the bride of Bridger Edmund McGaw. The Rev. Robert D. Edmunds officiated the marriage ceremony at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Edgartown, where the bride was baptized and confirmed. A reception followed at the Chappaquiddick Beach Club.

Katie Litwinowich will Marry Stephen Meinelt

Katie Litwinowich Will

Marry Stephen Meinelt

Jim and Ann Litwinowich of Holden announce the engagement of their daughter, Katie Litwinowich, to Stephen Meinelt, son of Terry and Kathy Meinelt of Topsfield.

Ms. Litwinowich is a 1999 graduate of Wachusett Regional High School. She received her bachelor’s and master’s degree in English from the University of New Hampshire. She is attending Suffolk University Law School and is working as a summer associate at a law firm in Boston.

Emily MacRae to Marry Michael Dwyer Next July

Emily MacRae to Marry

Michael Dwyer Next July
