Cultural Council to Hold Grant-Writing Workshop

The Martha’s Vineyard Cultural Council, which serves the six Island towns, is calling for funding proposals from organizations, schools and individuals. Council grants support a variety of arts, science and humanities projects; awards in 2007 ran the gamut, from the Native Americans Artisans Festival at the Aquinnah Cultural Center to the Martha’s Vineyard Chamber Music Society’s off-season concerts, from teaching and performances in the schools by The Yard to the Osprey Festival at Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary.

Announcing Mylee

Announcing Mylee

Lindsey BenDavid and Tad Medeiros of Edgartown announce the birth of a daughter, Mylee Elizabeth Medeiros, born on Sept. 9 at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. Mylee weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces at birth. Mylee is sister to Landon Medeiros and Joshua Brown.

Striped Bass: Taking Stock

Striped Bass: Taking Stock

Gazette Chronicle: Narrow Escape

Narrow Escape

From the Vineyard Gazette editions of September, 1958:

A Navy all-weather attack bomber making an emergency landing at the Martha’s Vineyard Airport figured in what might have been a serious accident, but the skill of the pilot from the Quonset Point Naval Air Station saved the situation completely. The bomber was brought to a landing because of a rough running engine. On contact with the runway, it blew the left tire and veered erratically down the runway with smoke trailing out behind.

Second Life for the Home Port

Second Life for the Home Port

Chilmark voters face an important decision when they convene for a special town meeting later this month: whether to buy the Home Port restaurant for two million dollars in order to tear it down and build a parking lot and more public bathrooms.

The plan has been crafted principally by selectman J.B. Riggs Parker and has the support of the majority of the board.

East Chop




I owe Les Woodcock a debt of gratitude for something that took place long before I met him. Les wrote the stories on the back of baseball cards that so enchanted our son as a young boy. Les changed the look of baseball cards by replacing the statistical summary on the back of the card with an interesting profile.

Not Your Grandmother’s Summer Holiday

I don’t think the statute of limitations for many of my adventures this summer has quite yet passed. Thus an autobiographical essay published in a community I’ve come to know over the last three months and to which I plan to one day return naturally has to be somewhat censored. As I write this, I debate the prudence of publishing the story of my arrest after celebrating its removal from my record. I was arrested for trespassing, swimming in a pool after hours.

Point Counterpoint on Bradley Square

Not What It Seems

Editors, Vineyard Gazette:

I suspect that many of your readers perceive the Bradley Square project as just another version of a classic Island tale: a nonprofit organization wants to build much-needed affordable housing and is opposed by disgruntled abutters and neighbors who fear that bringing in “these people” will disfigure the neighborhood and affect property values. Wrong.

Jonathan and Joel Cristea Win Pistol Championships

Jonathan Cristea of Edgartown captured the small caliber division of the annual Martha’s Vineyard Pistol Championships held on Sunday, Sept. 8 with a score of 270 out of 400, while brother Joel captured the large bore caliber division with a score of 340 in that class. Competitors had to fire from different distances, positions and time limitations.

The Class B title in the small bore went to Andy Braillard with Peter Herrmann picking up the Class C title. The large caliber Class B title went to Bill Shanok as Andy Braillard collected the Class C title.

Camp Ground Cottage Work Prompts Reader Reaction

Good Old Boys

Editors, Vineyard Gazette:

Jeremiah Pease must be rolling over in his grave. How could this historic home on the lane named after him be cut down in a matter of minutes? Why were the Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting Association construction rules not followed by all that were involved?
