
Temperature: Precip.

Day Max. Min. Inches.

Fº Fº

June 13 80 55 .00

June 14 78 54 .00

June 15 81 58 .09

June 16 65 57 .18

June 17 69 59 .07

June 18 74 52 .00

June 19 75 59 .00

Water temperature in Edgartown harbor: 70º F.

David Fokos

Zen and the Art of Capturing Time Passing in a Photograph

David Fokos believes that great photography is time full rather than timeless.

He has joined the ranks of elite photographers working in black and white as a result of his belief that the passage of time is necessary to capture images as they are felt by the viewer.

His work is displayed in galleries from West Tisbury to Tokyo.

Chapter Five: Abe’s Call to Arms

In this serialized novel set on the Vineyard in real time, a native Islander (“Call me Becca”) returns home after many years in Manhattan. Her uncle Abe requires assistance to keep their landscaping business, Pequot, afloat. In the first few chapters, Becca reacquainted herself with Island life and through Mott (the general manager) met Quincas (a Brazilian) and the rest of Pequot’s staff. Last week, readers were introduced to Uncle Abe and his hatred of Richard Moby, the chief executive officer of Broadway, an off-Island landscaping business.

Slowfood Potluck to Plan Michael Pollan Event

On Thursday, June 19, Slowfood Martha’s Vineyard will hold its monthly potluck supper from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. This meeting will focus on planning the group’s summer’s highlight event, a potluck community gathering featuring keynote speaker Michael Pollan.

Boston’s Barry Nolan Takes Hammer for Sail MV Night

Barry Nolan, a nationally known television and radio personality from the Boston area, will be the guest auctioneer at Sail Martha’s Vineyard’s popular Seafood Buffet and Auction, to be held this year on Sunday, July 6, at Tisbury Wharf.

Heartfelt Story Set in Brazil Opens Jewish Film Season

The Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center Summer Institute opens its summer season of films and lectures on Sunday, when noted film critic Miguel Valente will introduce the first film, a heart-felt story about political events as felt in Brazil in 1970. The film is called The Year My Parents Went on Vacation.

Filmed in Brazil and directed by Cao Hamburger, it is subtitled.

Musicians Take to Lola’s for Penelope Dickens

Kathy and Paul Domitrivich of Lola’s Southern Seafood are hosting a summer solstice fundraiser for Penelope Dickens on Sunday, June 22. Penelope is in her third year of cancer treatments and needs help meeting her basic living costs.

Book Notes for Smaller Readers to Plug Into, Cuddle Up With

WIRED. By Anastasia Suen, illustrated by Paul Carrick. Charlesbridge, $6.95. This book, now out in paperback, is an excellent insight into how electricity works, particularly as it pertains to the energy dancing beneath our fingertips as they tap along a computer keyboard, and as it flows or, just as importantly, pauses, at the outlet under our desk. Ostensibly Wired is a learning tool for the elementary school student, but anyone of any age could benefit from it, for who among us outside of M.I.T.

Floral Design Workshop

Floral Design Workshop

Creative Flower Arrangements from Your Garden, a five-week floral design workshop, will be held at Vineyard Haven Public Library from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Wednesdays from June 25 through July 23.

Helene Barr, who has more than 20 years of experience as a floral designer and garden writer, will teach the course. The class is free, but students will need to provide their own tools and floral material.

Adoption Session

Adoption Session

Adoption By Choice, a program of Catholic Social Services of Fall River Inc., will hold an information session on Thursday, June 26, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. for individuals and families interested in domestic newborn or international adoption. The session will be held at Catholic Social Services, 1600 Bay street, Fall River. Admission is free. More information is available by calling 508-674-4681.
