Dancers of All Ages Get Chance to Dance at Yard

The Yard is looking for a few energetic kids to share the stage with two all-star casts. Actors, dancers and singers in third through twelfth grade are invited.

The first event, Diversity in Dance ’08, will take place on Sunday, July 20, at the Performing Arts Center at 6:30 p.m., and will feature Taylor 2, Gus Solomons Jr and Carmen de Lavallade alongside a special dance performance by Island kids.

How Global Changes Affect Local Fisheries

The Future of Fisheries: Marine Protected Areas, Ecosystem Management, Climate Change and All That is the title of a free talk slated for Thursday, June 26, at 5 p.m. at the Chilmark Public Library.

Dr. Andrew Rosenberg, professor of natural resources policy and management and professor of the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space at the University of New Hampshire, is the guest speaker.

Vineyard Stores, Eateries Pull Back on Tomatoes

Massachusetts fell prey this weekend to the tainted tomato scare which has taken the vegetable off store shelves from Florida to California.

The Department of Health and Human Services announced Friday that 12 cases of salmonella in Massachusetts have been linked to the national salmonella outbreak associated with certain varieties of tomatoes.

No cases were reported in Dukes County.

County Will Review State Beach Rules

The Dukes County commissioners found themselves on the defensive last week when about a dozen residents crowded a public hearing to voice their discontent with existing and proposed rules for Joseph A. Sylvia State Beach.

The commissioners had said they wanted to strike a balance between preserving the beach and protecting its nesting birds while also allowing public access.

Also, due to an increase in requests to use the public beach for large private functions, the commissioners sought to update the beach rules so as to discourage such events.





Edward Fantasia enjoyed a festive afternoon on Saturday as his family and friends gathered at the town hall in celebration of his graduation from Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School. Graduation was a major accomplishment for Ed, who has been receiving medical care for the past six years.





Well, here we go. Today is the first day of summer and the last day of school for many schools in this state. Let the games begin. The roadsides are looking lush and green with many flowering plants in full bloom. The daisies rule the pastures and the farmers are trying to get the hay in between showers. The bluefish are biting and the lifeguards are on duty . . . what else do we need to make a perfect Chilmark summer?





While in past years I have enjoyed waking to the singing of the various birds (cardinals, goldfinch, nuthatch, and blue jay) that visit our yard, this year it seems all I hear is the cawing of up to two dozen crows. They not only visit first thing in the morning (shortly after 5 a.m.) but several times throughout the day. I can honestly say that their sound is not music to my ears. 

Oak Bluffs








This has been a great week. The sun has been shining during the day and it rained a little at night.

Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Special wishes go to Shannon Dolby Smith who celebrated her day with a party. It was fun to watch the kids that we knew with their children as they chased them around the yard, as their own parents had done not too many years ago.

West Tisbury




The Father’s Day weather was not so good but Dad got to relax, at least for one day. Many outdoor cookouts were postponed, but for once he did not have to clean up after dinner.
